722-6 Vibration unit vibrates similarly to Echo

[ Jan/29/2019 ]      Labels:  50.Endpin

A handmade vibration unit with dimension 760mm(-length) and the 3.0Kg(-weight) was tested;
(1)DC12V-motor with an eccentric weight created a stable C(66Hz, 15.2ms) vibrations and a C string adjusted as C(66Hz) on the unit was perfectly resonated at most of the timing. The observed waveforms were having rounded edges and were rather similar to that are seen in the echo or at the boundary between bowing(arco)/pizzicato and its echo.
(2)A few researches took place and the data were averaged at:(a)Without-endpin, (b)With-270mmL-Steelpipe-Endpin, floating (c)With endpin on floor.
The result was very similar to former measurements on real cellos. Without-endpin case showed the maximum amplitude. Endpin-tip was vibrated well when floating. When the unit with endpin placed on the floor, the vibration center of endpin shifted upward and the amplitude of vibration-unit decreased.

(1)偏心モーターが多くの時間で安定して振動し、装置は C(66Hz)振動を生成し、装置に張ったC線(調弦済)ときれいに共鳴した。

722-5 Modified Measurement Unit

[ Jan/23/2019 ]     Labels: 50.Endpin

A handmade vibration measurement unit with dimension 760mm-length and the weight 3.0 Kg was then modified as follows;
(1)Cello's C-string(as length 700mm) was set up on the unit. The lower end of the string is fixed to the tailpin(holder) and bottom plate of the unit also takes the role as a bridge.
(2)An additional microphone was set on the central plate of the unit.
An eccentric weight that can vibrate as around 66Hz(cello's lowest tone)was fortunately found. Two vibration sources will be tested/compared soon.



722 Endpin's vibration -study plan-

[ Jan/12/2019 ]     Labels:  50.Endpin

How does an endpin really behave/resonate when it is surrounded/forced by external vibrations?
Can we measure any sign of effects from endpins or floor for cello?
A handmade wooden unit is planned to test in order to create some regular frequency vibrations and transmit to an endpin. Let us start a new study that might bring us some fortunate hints.

(1)At around the center of the measurement unit(about 360mm above the bottom), 12V-DC motor with a tiny eccentric weight rotates and creates some regular frequency vibrations(: they are/should be
mainly horizontal vibrations)
(2)The measurement unit has a dimension of about 760mm length and 3.0Kg total weight, with some additional weights in order to make a similarity to a real cello.
(3)Two tailpins(holders) were embedded for testing the influence of 'holding length' for endpins(: 22mmL and 86mmL).
(4)AC(Alternating Current) power supply and/or PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) motor control unit usually brings a lot of noises, so I safely adopted a 12V-DC-car-battery and a Ni-Cr wire(for electric registance, labeled as 600W). When we adjust the length of wire, registance value is decided, then the current(A) is decided, then "rpm" of motor is influenced.
Some small eccentric weights have to be handmade though, if an adequate vibration intensity and regular frequency are brought, we can make use of them as one of the testing standard tones.
(5)Several endpins and other rods/pipes will be tested sliding their length.


(2)測定ユニットはチェロに近づけるために、全長を約760mmの木製とし、全体の質量が 3.0kg となるように必要に応じて追加の重りを付与する。3.0Kgの荷重は予想以上に大きい。