90. Resonance Direction -Down bowing vs Up bowing-

[ 12/26/2019 ]     Labels:  70.Resonance Direction

Resonance directions on cello were briefly measured at A-G chromatic semitones on A-string and also D-C semitones on D-string comparing with 'steel pipe endpin 300mmL on floor' and 'without endpin', down-bowing and up-bowing.
(1)The results can be divided into two groups; [group-a]stable, clear tendency in resonance direction, [b]diverse, taking various resonance directions. The reason of [b] is not enough clear now, probably because of the factors such as multi phases even during the target semitone, difficulties in judgement of delay/waveform, complexity, vulnerability, interruptions by external effects. Differences between down-bowing and up-bowing were unclear either.
(2)According to the frequency transition, as a long-tern viewpoint, the resonance direction seems rotating. The angle rather drifts near around 0 degree on D string, however unlikely D, the angle seems spreading/rotating wide-angle on A string.
(3)There might be a possibility that an endpin narrows down the angle range of resonance. These results might reek us a secret of the body of violin-family instruments that has been probably designed originally as being able to resonate for all-round directions.
Resonance direction measurements will be gone on by switching the examinee-instrument to CELLO-1.

[a]は、A線上では H C# D# E F#、D線上では E F F# G G# A# であり、
[b]は、A線上では A D F G、D線上では D D# H であった。多様な方向を示す理由は、今後さらに調べる予定であるが、例えば、一つの半音域の中に多様な振動形態を持つ・位相の計算が難しい(判別しにくい)・振動波形が交錯したりつぶれたりしている・何某かの外的影響を受けやすい、などが考えられる。ダウン/アップボーイングで違いが見られるのは[b]グループである。
(2)大きく見ると、周波数の変化とともに振動方向が回転(ローテート)しているように見える。D線域では胴体の輪切り方向(=低角度)に振動することが多く回転周期も長いが、一方 A線域では 激しく変化しているように見える。

90. Resonance Direction - Calculation -

[ 12/13/2019 ]     Labels:  70.Resonance Direction

Each chromatic tone of cello has own characteristic waveform or the resonance direction. This phenomenon depends on the each individual instrument issue however at the same time, probably the common truth based on the structure.
Now new better-accuracy measurements are launched. The plan image is as follows ;
1.The resonance direction will be indicated as a counterclockwise angle(degrees) from the round slice level of cello body.
2.Two microphones placed at vertically and horizontally catch the cello sound wave according to each distance with the eligible delay. They are calculated as (Microsoft Excel function:) '=COS( )' or '=SIN( )'. The delay period is described as a sine curve too. This means the resonance direction can be described like '=ACOS(delay/(phase/2))...'.
3.Actually cello is not usually played at the angle of 45 degrees from the floor, but around 65 degrees. This deviation should be compensated and embedded in the calculation.
4.Overview will come out soon, but some special tones with like collapsed or complicated wave pattern will be took place a detailed testing later.
5.Begin with the checking at 'the difference down-bowing and up-bowing' on A and D string.

それぞれのマイクへの到達時間は、EXCEL関数では =COS( ) または =SIN( )関数で求められ、Vマイク - Hマイク の時間差も同じくサイン曲線であるので、振動方向は =ACOS(遅れ/(測定音の周期/2))... のイメージで求められるはずである。