7A-10 Pin-TP-Resonance on-C Carbon54g-Endpin

 [ 9/06/2021 ]   Labels:  51.Endpin-Resonance

Resonance data on endpin and tailpiece of cello will be posted for a while.
The first report: carbon endpin(54g, total length=396mm), on floor, on C string(C:66Hz to C:131Hz), Cello-2(approximately 116 year-old), bowing(long-tone). The resonance amplitude is showed as 'mV' and also compared with the averaged value of sound captured from the front side and back of the cello body.

カーボンエンドピン(54g, 全長396mm), Cello-2(推定106歳), 床置き, C線上のデータ,ピン長さ=240-320mm, ロングトーン(アルコ)。


7A13 Cello2-Carbon54g-onC-atEndpin

7A12 Cello2-Carbon54g-onC-atTailpiece

7A11 Pin-TP-Resonance-Measurement-conditions