7A-24 Cello-2 Resonance Comparison - AEH112 vs Floor -

 [ 11/14/2021 ]   Labels:  52.Endpin-Resonance2

Several tones(by arco, long-tone) were measured at Cello-2. Each 3 - 5 data were averaged and drew on following graphs comparing "on AEH-112" vs "on floor".
On the whole, when a cello placed on the floor, endpin resonates by itself and also resonates with cello body(rather seems resonating with top-plate more), then the amplitude line-graph shows flatter/even slopes.
On the other hands, on AEH case, the tip of endpin is half freed and repressed the own resonance. Consequently, the body resonance in the direction to the belly is amplified and the natural/rich resonance of original cello seems resumed.

Cello-2を使って、代表的ないくつかの音(弓、ロングトーン)について測定振幅を比較してみた。AEH-112(アドバンスト・エンドピンホルダー床直置きとで 比較した。各々の条件で、3~5ケ測定し平均した値をグラフ化した。

7A69 Cello2-CarbonM-AEH-vs-FLOOR

7A70 Cello2-SteelPipe-AEH-vs-FLOOR

7A71 Cello2-Titanium-AEH-vs-FLOOR

7A-23 Resonance features at A(221Hz-) -3- vs.floating

 [ 11/07/2021 ]   Labels:  52.Endpin-Resonance2

Resonance features on A-string(221Hz-884Hz) of cello-2 were compared between <1>Titanium endpin 280mmL-300mmL on the floor vs. <2>Titanium endpin 300mmL floating in the air.
When the cello was placed on the floor, titanium endpin was sometimes resonated loudly according to the given tone frequencies and their endpin length.
On the other hand, when the ends of the endpin were freed in the air, the resonance of the endpin was rather even(/leveled) keeping about 30% amplitude per two sound microphones(averaged).
At these high tone(short wavelength) area, endpins themselves may take a role that probably flatten the cello resonance.
一方空中に浮かせてエンドピンの先が自由開放されている場合はエンドピンの振幅は音振幅との相対比で 30%前後で比較的に安定していた。

7A65 Resonance Amp-Rario A221-A884 Graph-comparison-floating-vs-Floor

7A66 Resonance Amp-Rario A221-A884 Image-comparison-floating-vs-Floor

7A-22 Resonance feature at A(442Hz-) -2-

 [ 11/01/2021 ]   Labels:  52.Endpin-Resonance2

Measured data(of tailpiece, endpin) at A(string) 442Hz and higher frequencies were drawn as a line graph with vertical axis of relative amplitude(%) per averaged sound mics.
Tailpiece's behavior relates its mass or the dimensions of cello/tailpiece/guts, whereas endpin simply correspond to given frequencies or the pin length.
They do not seem united but probably sharing the resonance energy.


7A61 Tailpiece Resonance Amplitude Rario A442- by Group

7A62 Endpin Resonance Amplitude Rario A442- by Group