9C03 -3DCG- Study(3) Measurement Point and Data REVIEW

 [ 11/26/2023 ]     Labels: 78.Resonance3

In the past, cello's pizzicato sounds were measured three times using four acoustic microphones outside the cello body under without endpin conditions.

Although the measurement positions were different for each case(front side/back side etc.), let's pile up the data organizing comprehensively, and refer to them for this simulation.



3DCG- Study(3) Measurement Point and Data REVIEW

9C02 -3DCG- Study(2) Resonance Propagation

[ 11/20/2023 ]     Labels:  78.Resonance3

Cello resonance,, it can be divided into four processes.

[1] The string begins to vibrate

[2] The top plate shares the information and starts vibrating itself.

[3] Density waves are emitted into cello body by receiving vibrations from the top plate.

[4] Resonant waves inside the body are transmitted to the outside of the body to audio microphones.

Let's take a look at the actual measured data at four audio microphones installed near outside the body. To begin with the resonance simulation, we examine the E note first, the tone has a frequency of 166Hz and a wavelength of 2.05m, which exists about the middle for a cello tones. This sound is the most typical and simplest omnidirectional sound, and is estimated to resonate in a "8-shap" orbit pattern parallel to the top and back plates.

[3][4] The process travels through the atmosphere at the speed of sound. Therefore, a time of about 3mS should be required here. On the other hand, the first resonance (C1) surprisingly occurs and completes 4 mS after the start of pizzicato.

[1] As soon as the string begins to vibrate, the information of the period(frequency) and wavelength of the generated sound are already decided in the string, and transmitted to the top plate in a timely manner.

[2]So, the top plate also knows the information in a timely manner. Top plate may know the range to be vibrated, in which direction, and with what intensity. At this time, the second resonance wave C2 has not be born, and the resonance has not been amplified in the body.

Even with limited prior knowledge, there are some hints. The Montagnana(1740 model/dimension) was used in the simulation. The maximum single "8-Shaped" wavelength can be adopted in the body at D# (around 156Hz), which is the next(lower) to E. The vibration range(probably 94% of D#) can be used at E(166Hz).






筐体の近くに設置された4点の音声マイクロフォンの実測データを見てみよう。手始めは、周波数166Hz, 波長2.05m, チェロにとってちょうど中間あたりのE音を調べる。この音は最も代表的・シンプルな無指向性音で、表板・裏板に平行に8の字型に共鳴していると推定される。

[3][4]プロセスは大気中を音速で伝わる。従って 3mS程度の時間はここで必要なはずだ。一方最初の共鳴(C1)は驚くことにpizzicatoのスタートから4mSに起こり完結している。

[1]弦は振動が開始されると同時に 発生される音の周期(振動数)・波長情報を保有し、タイムリーに表板に伝達を開始していて、表板は筐体へ共鳴を作り始めていることを意味している。



cello resonance propagation チェロ 響き 共鳴 3DCG sound 音 音速 simulation

cello resonance チェロ 響き 共鳴 sound 音 音速 simulation E(166Hz)

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[ 11/16/2023 ]    Labels:  A1..AEH

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Advanced Endpin Holder improves resonance and response by reducing the effects from floor and endpin.



9C01 -3DCG- Cello Resonance Study (1)

[ 11/16/2023 ]    Labels: 78.Resonance3

3DCG, which has great potential, is likely to be useful in creating an image of resonance research for stringed instruments.
A virtual camera can show you the world that cannot be seen with a real camera. First, let's try "Particle system".
Firstly, we need to manufacture a cello body and install a camera and light in the view of 3D software. The top plate is slightly lifted up. 10,000 particles are randomly released downward from the top plate at the speed of sound. Particles are reflected when they hit a wall. There is no gravity here, and the particles have no mass. Disappears after a certain amount of time. The speed of sound is too fast to display, so it is shown in 100 times slower motion.
This study looks at the first period (about 50 milliseconds) after the first pizzicato. At this timing/condition, the pitch and wavelength have not yet been determined. The image is that you are looking at the noise caused by a single blow. There are two types of sound at the cello: omnidirectional sound and directional sound that extends in a specific direction. The reason may become clearer then after.
