9C04 -3DCG- Study Resonance Propagation II

 [ 01/08/2024 ]

When we try to simulate cello resonance, there was an unresolved issue, but the clue now seems removed.

4 stages:

[1] The string begins to vibrate when it is plucked.

[2] The top plate shares that information and starts vibrating.

[3] According to the vibration of the top plate, the top plate emits density waves of the air into the cello body.

[4] Resonant waves inside the body are amplified by the body walls and emitted outside the instrument.

There is(/should be) sharing common information through [1]-[4] process; tone(/frequency) and period. However, the materials of strings, bridges, and top plates are different.

The wavelengths vibrating in strings and top plate wood are different, because the each material properties are different, and it's not easy to see directly.

On the other hand, the wavelength at which the top plate resonates in the air inside the body is unique and clear: 340mm/msec.

Also, remains an unknown issue where and how the 'resonance messages' are conveyed on the back side of the top plate.

However, how wavelengths are folded and amplified in the cello body can be predicted through the effort of past measurements.

How is this wavelength folded inside the enclosure? 

When the dimensions of the instrument and the plucked frequency determined, resonance orbit must also be determined uniquely(?). Even if you don't know how the top plate is delivering through it inside the wood, the air inside the body should have be known the initial silhouette, which has been uniquely(?) determined.

A least, some constraints must be given even if they are not actually determined, and the patterns should be restricted by the given tones.

Let's review the resonance propagation process again. Let's study the wavelength(/'8-shape orbit') given by the top plate and embedded in the surface layer of the air in the body. It should be the key-know-how of 3D simulation itself.

Here, G (197Hz, W-length=1.73m) is used.





[3]表板の振動に従って 表板は密度波を筐体内に放つ






しかしながら、どのような形で波長を折りたたんで増幅させているのかは、数々の測定の過程で予想がつく。なぜなら空気中の波長は決まっている(波長 = 音速(340m/秒) / 周期)からである。




ここでは、波長=G(197Hz, W-length=1.73m)を使っている。

-3DCG- Study Resonance Propagation II

-3DCG- Study Resonance Propagation II G197Hz