31. Vibration intensity [ Measurement 2-3 ]

[ 01/28/2018 ]     Labels: 31..Intensity-TopPlate

Vibration intensity data of cello on the top-plate, tailpiece and endpin were measured using a '8mmD' iron rod (iron alloy rod) endpin. The length of the endpin is 535mm, weight 224g(..rather heavy).

(1) Like as the previous measurements(10mmD endpin), when the tip of endpin is placed on the floor and restricted to vibrate, the vibration intensity/pattern of endpin or tailpiece changes remarkably.

(2) Cello without an endpin vibrates using its whole wood body, however if an endpin is added, the mechanical vibration seems to shift along the whole length including the endpin.

(3) Advanced Endpin Holder(AEH-011) can create the mitigated situation from the alliance vibration of endpin, tailpiece and the floor.

Advance Endpin Holderはこれらの乖離の中間状態を実現しているように見えます。

Device : Vibration meter VB-8205SD
Cello  : 110-year-old German cello
Endpin : 8mm(D) iron alloy rod, 28cm(11in) below tailpin
Data   : 10 data by pizzicato were averaged at each measurement point