63. Memo for wolf tones

[ 06/17/2018 ]     Labels: 63.Wolf tone

Data(1) to (4) show some exact extincting moment of wolf tones. Especially the intensity of wave looks almost die down briefly at data(1) to (3). Whereas spiral-like continuation was seen in data(4).

At this observation, wolf-tones occurred around at 6.0ms period(i.e. E tone). Many usual E cases, the waveforms show a pure form like a sine curve. If a new E note is bowed by a cello player, (and if the pitch is slightly shifted, and the sound is bulldozed), probably the top plate of cello has to be given up the current vibration(/frequency) and then succeeded to another newborn vibrations. It is like an unanimous society without opposing opinions. There should be no triggers to change the pace in their current inertial vibrations.

In data(1) and (2), at just the receding moment, we can find some new seeds for a new pitch.
The old tone(A) and the new tone(C) look slightly different in frequency.
The receding period(B) seems to be prolonged because it has to contain a transition time. As a result, player might also hear a grace note from D#, D, C# or thereabouts with sudden crescendo, it will be so annoying.

On the other hand, data(4) might suggest some hints to mitigate the wolf tone. Some bowing skills or wolf eliminators will help to avoid to make up a flawless E sine curve. Data(4) rather has a minor shift from original E frequency at the wolf point.

この切り替わりの数周期(B)のみを見ると切り替わりの影響のため一時的に平均周期が長くなっていると見ることができる。奏者にとっては、ちょうど C#,D,D#などからの(しかもppまたは無音からの)気味悪い装飾音がかかったように感じるかもしれない。