5242. Test measurement-2 [Propagation]

[ 08/28/2018 ]     Labels:  49a.Endpin.Effects

Vibrations from A(221Hz, mezzo-forte pizzicato) note are traced on the screen of oscilloscope. The width of each lattice is adjusted as 2 milliseconds.
Vibrations(mechanical resonance) seems to propagate from Bridge -> Tailpiece -> Endpin.. accompanying 1 to 2 ms delay.
At last, the vibration is almost stopped at the tip of endpin, because an endpin can hardly shake the floor.

A(221Hz,mf)ピチカートの振動の伝播を追ってみる。オシロスコープの水平方向の格子幅は 2ms。
振動は、駒→テールピース→エンドピン (→床)の順で伝わっているように見える。時間差は 各々1ms~2ms。

5241. Test measurement-1 [Sound speed]

[ 08/23/2018 ]     Labels:  49a.Endpin.Effects

Sound can travel in air at approximately 340 meters per second.  i.e. 340 millimeters per millisecond.
Let's check it up by mezzo-piano pizzicato!
Actually, top-plate of cello needs to be moved and compress the air, it might be needed 2 to 3 milliseconds.
In this measurement, 3 microphones were not the same model.
However, oscilloscope shows somehow the most likely delays.

5240. New staffs

[ 08/21/2018 ]     Labels:  49a.Endpin.Effects

Let me introduce my new staffs. Measured data are finally integrated to new oscilloscope(RIGOL DS1054Z) that has 4 analog input channels

They will make a good job.

60. Chromatic data -Review Memo-

[ 08/16/2018 ]     Labels: 60.Sound color

We have compared 184 waveforms from 46 cello chromatic data(3 kind of endpins and a comparison included).
Of course, although the waveform shapes are sensitively affected by player's bowing skills, we can sum up some general reviews.

(1)Even though the frequency(/octave) levels are different, the notes that have same letter name(syllable) seem to show the very similar waveforms patterns, i.e. similar sound color.

(2)According to increase/decrease the frequency, the waveform changes the shape continuously. The simplest waveform can be seen at E or F notes and sometimes wolf-tones are accompanied here.

(3)Endpin's mechanical resonance is sometimes observed if the endpin materials and the length basically match to the resonant frequency, however the fact seems not so simple nor rigorous/reproducible. Sometimes it is missing or shifting. Probably some other important factors are still hidden.
But we may be able to say that an endpin takes obvious mechanical resonance at roughly 35 percent area on all notes.

しかし大雑把に言えば、チェロの音の内 35%程度でエンドピンが顕著に共振していると考えてよさそうだ。

20. C(66Hz) pizz x40slower -Hologram on TopPlate, Bridge, Tailpiece-

[ 08/01/2018 ]     Labels: 20.Vibration-Video

Cello's fine vibration of top plate and bridge can be seen on hologram sheets.
C string swings according to the fundamental vibration(period 15.2ms). Oscilloscope provides typical waveforms, in this photo five fine vibrations are contained inside.
-40 times slower, pizzicato, steel pipe endpin 35cm under tailpin-