5242. Test measurement-2 [Propagation]

[ 08/28/2018 ]     Labels:  49a.Endpin.Effects

Vibrations from A(221Hz, mezzo-forte pizzicato) note are traced on the screen of oscilloscope. The width of each lattice is adjusted as 2 milliseconds.
Vibrations(mechanical resonance) seems to propagate from Bridge -> Tailpiece -> Endpin.. accompanying 1 to 2 ms delay.
At last, the vibration is almost stopped at the tip of endpin, because an endpin can hardly shake the floor.

A(221Hz,mf)ピチカートの振動の伝播を追ってみる。オシロスコープの水平方向の格子幅は 2ms。
振動は、駒→テールピース→エンドピン (→床)の順で伝わっているように見える。時間差は 各々1ms~2ms。