5250 Topics on C(66Hz) arco forte H50ms

[ 09/24/2018 ]     Labels:  49b.Endpin.Effects

C(66Hz) note, in many cases with 27 to 33 cm length steel pipe endpin, resonates the endpin very well.
Here are some topics for new measurements at :
C(66Hz), arco, forte, steel pipe endpin, length 27cm, oscilloscope horizontal lattice scale 50ms, compared with 'without pin' and 'AEHxxx'

<Case 'without-pin':>
Loud vibration amplitude of tailpiece was remarkable. An integrated/harmonized resonance between top-plate(sound data), tailpiece and bouts can be seen.

<Case 'on floor' and 27cmL endpin> 
Resonating endpin might also bring a situation of homogenized/flattened resonance balance between top-plate, bridge, tailpiece and endpin.
Moreover, endpin seems to have a slightly delayed resonance that probably relates to the 'response'.

<Case with 'Advanced Endpin Holder'>
These cases, AEHs seem to be reducing/detoxifying the side effects of endpin. 
