5258 Topics : A(221Hz) arco, Amplitude Remarkableness

[ 10/26/2018 ]     Labels:  49b.Endpin.Effects

Topics on data from A(221Hz), arco, mezzo forte.
The amplitude from sound(=top plate vibrations), bridge, tailpiece and endpin are measured and compared relatively.
The maximum amplitude[RFA], it usually represents the fundamental waveform, is remarkably wider than the second amplitude[RSA] at data of 'without-pin'. Waveforms rather seems flat/homogeneous/compressed at 'on floor' data. See former posts.
The difference between RFA and RSA were relatively about 9% and 3-6% at measurements 'without-pin' and 'on floor'.
Advanced Endpin Holder seems to work to fulfill the remarkableness of the fundamental vibration, and probably also contribute to the sound extension/depth.



5254 Topics : A(221Hz) arco, Waveform and Amplitude

[ 10/21/2018 ]     Labels:  49b.Endpin.Effects

Here are some topics on data from A(221Hz), open string, arco, mezzo forte.
First of all, the sound waveform data, it can be understood as the vibration of top-plate, seem different between 'without pin' and 'on floor with endpin'.
When a cello is played arco and without an endpin, the fundamental waveforms(=usually show a maximum amplitude) are very remarkable. Detail measurements will be taken place soon.

A(221Hz)・解放弦・H=2ms の波形を見てみよう。


5254 Topics : Propagation delay

[ 10/15/2018 ]     Labels:  49a.Endpin.Effects

Let's check up the delay time(milliseconds) between bridge, top-plate(sound), tailpiece and endpin when a mezzo-forte pizzicato is plucked on A(221Hz), D(147Hz) or C(66Hz).
Typical data are shown as H2ms to H5ms charts.
The results should be kept in mind at the detail researches hereafter.
Generally, the delays are expected as;

Bridge --> Tailpiece = 0ms to 1ms,
Bridge --> Top plate = 0ms to 2ms,
  (sound speed delay 340mm/ms is already considered)
Bridge --> Endpin    = 1ms to 2ms

駒→テールピース の振動伝播遅れ = 0~1 ms、
駒→表板 の振動伝播遅れ = 0~2 ms、(音速340mm/ms考慮済)
駒→エンドピン の振動伝播遅れ = 1~2 ms と考えてよさそうだ。

5252 Topics on G(98Hz) arco forte H50ms

[ 10/07/2018 ]     Labels:  49b.Endpin.Effects

Here are some topics on G(98Hz) arco forte note ;

(1)<Case 'without-pin':>
Major resonating parts of cello are the bridge, top plate(sound as data) and tailpiece.

(2)<Case 'on floor' and at least 29cmL steel pipe endpin:>
Endpin takes a major role of cello resonance in place of tailpiece not only at the maximum amplitude(150 to 200 milliseconds after starting bowing) but also at 350ms.
Endpin might probably prolong the echo by resonating with cello body.
