5254 Topics : Propagation delay

[ 10/15/2018 ]     Labels:  49a.Endpin.Effects

Let's check up the delay time(milliseconds) between bridge, top-plate(sound), tailpiece and endpin when a mezzo-forte pizzicato is plucked on A(221Hz), D(147Hz) or C(66Hz).
Typical data are shown as H2ms to H5ms charts.
The results should be kept in mind at the detail researches hereafter.
Generally, the delays are expected as;

Bridge --> Tailpiece = 0ms to 1ms,
Bridge --> Top plate = 0ms to 2ms,
  (sound speed delay 340mm/ms is already considered)
Bridge --> Endpin    = 1ms to 2ms

駒→テールピース の振動伝播遅れ = 0~1 ms、
駒→表板 の振動伝播遅れ = 0~2 ms、(音速340mm/ms考慮済)
駒→エンドピン の振動伝播遅れ = 1~2 ms と考えてよさそうだ。