5268 (GM) C66Hz Endpin-tip resonates moreover produces beats -3

[ 11/29/2018 ]    Labels:  49b.Endpin.Effects

Measurements for C(66Hz) were also carried out on 7-year-old cello.

(1)Remarkable mechanical resonance between cello body and endpin, and interference beats as well, were also seen when the length of steel pipe endpin was adjusted around 27cm.
(2)One of the peculiarities of this instrument is remarkable resonance of tailpiece for C(66Hz) vibration. The resonated waveform pattern from the tailpiece seems visible on top-plate(/sound).
(3)Interference-like beats were unnoticeable on carbon fiber endpin.
(4)Nevertheless, the interference-like beats were seen at tailpin(/lower bouts) at the case of 'without-pin'. There must probably be a tiny difference in frequency between top-plate and lower bouts.

(2)この楽器の場合、テールピースが C(66Hz)に対して大きく共振しているようだ。そのテールピースの影響は一部、表板(音)の波形に表れているように見える。

5266 (GM) C66Hz Endpin-tip resonates moreover produces beats -2

[ 11/29/2018 ]     Labels:  49b.Endpin.Effects

Tailpiece data were added.

5264 (GM) C66Hz Endpin-tip resonates moreover produces beats

[ 11/20/2018 ]      Labels:  49b.Endpin.Effects

Remarkable mechanical resonance between cello body and endpin was seen, for instance when a C(66Hz) note was bowed and the length of steel pipe endpin was around 25cm.
Actually, vibrations are very complexed, however some facts/hints fortunately come out.

(1)Top-plate sometimes resonates with endpin-tip clearly in accordance with the cycle(15.2ms) of C(66Hz).
They are sharing not only the fundamental(strongest) vibration but also plural elementary vibrations.
(2)We can also see many interference beats, the cycle is same as C(15.2ms), in vibrations of endpin.
All of these are probably related to the general structural issues when a cello is placed on the floor with endpin.
More C(66Hz) research will be gone on by replacing to another cello and endpins.

(1) C(66Hz)の周期である15.2msを単位として表板(胴体)とエンドピン先端が同期をとって共鳴している。1周期の中の素振動が相互に呼応していると同時に基音を中心にマクロ的にも動きが関連しているように見える。
(2) エンドピンには、共振と同時に「うなり」のような規則的な振幅の増減が見られた。

5262 A(221Hz) Top-plate resonates with Endpin tip

[ 11/09/2018 ]     Labels:  49b.Endpin.Effects

25cm-length 10mmD steel pipe endpin resonates very well to A(221Hz) vibration of cello on the floor.
Vibration of top-plate(=sound in air) and endpin were observed by zooming up to H=1ms.
25cm-endpin(on floor) data show a clear 7-beat mechanical vibration on the endpin tip. At the same time, this 7-beat pattern is also detected on the top-plate.
Originally, this cello without an endpin takes mainly one- or two-beat with elementary 11 tiny vibrations, these data show that top-plate gradually shifts roughly to three-beat(sometimes one beat is missing) by 'endpin-floor effect'.
On the other hands, the lower bouts or tail-pin probably take a role as a fulcrum of leverage by minimizing their vibrations.
Advanced Endpin Holder mitigates the mechanical vibration of tip of endpin very well, and probably gives top-plate a 'degree of freedom'.

エンドピンの付け根付近の共振が弱いのに対して、エンドピン先端は A(周期=4.52ms)の中に顕著で明確な7ビートを刻んでいる。この7ビートは表板でも確認できる(伝わっているように見える)。

5260 A(221Hz) Dominant beats and Elementary vibrations

[ 11/03/2018 ]     Labels:  49b.Endpin.Effects

Topics on A(221Hz) :
When cello's A(221Hz) waveforms were zoomed up to 'H=1ms', some new findings have come out.
In A(221Hz) tone, 4.52ms/cycle, many tiny elementary vibrations could be seen clearly even in a cycle.
Where do these tiny vibrations come from? Does it come from as an echo from the back-plate? or from strings?
When this cello(German 110 years old) is played without endpin, these elementary vibrations could be counted as 11-pcs(/arco) and 10-pcs(/pizz), taking a formation of one(fundamental) or large two beats.
While an endpin was equipped being adjusted various length, the beats shifted mainly to three.
Why does top-plate change the mechanical resonance when placed on the floor? Additional research on endpin tip may probably show us why.
