5264 (GM) C66Hz Endpin-tip resonates moreover produces beats

[ 11/20/2018 ]      Labels:  49b.Endpin.Effects

Remarkable mechanical resonance between cello body and endpin was seen, for instance when a C(66Hz) note was bowed and the length of steel pipe endpin was around 25cm.
Actually, vibrations are very complexed, however some facts/hints fortunately come out.

(1)Top-plate sometimes resonates with endpin-tip clearly in accordance with the cycle(15.2ms) of C(66Hz).
They are sharing not only the fundamental(strongest) vibration but also plural elementary vibrations.
(2)We can also see many interference beats, the cycle is same as C(15.2ms), in vibrations of endpin.
All of these are probably related to the general structural issues when a cello is placed on the floor with endpin.
More C(66Hz) research will be gone on by replacing to another cello and endpins.

(1) C(66Hz)の周期である15.2msを単位として表板(胴体)とエンドピン先端が同期をとって共鳴している。1周期の中の素振動が相互に呼応していると同時に基音を中心にマクロ的にも動きが関連しているように見える。
(2) エンドピンには、共振と同時に「うなり」のような規則的な振幅の増減が見られた。