61..Mechanical Resonance on Endpin

[ 05/31/2019 ]     Labels: 61..Sound color-2

Mechanical resonance on cello-endpin(taking a remarkable amplitude and simple mechanical vibration waveform) was reviewed again and marked.
They are seen at the specific frequency(note) and its overtones and the surrounding, consequently covering around 50% of whole chromatic notes.


61..Sound(TopPlate) Amplitude Comparison

[ 05/28/2019 ]     Labels: 61..Sound color-2

Measured sound amplitude data(considered to be equivalent to the vibration of top-plate) were compared between 'without-pin' and other carbon, steel pipe, and titanium endpins.
Carbon fiber endpin has the most resemblance to 'without-pin'. According to increasing pin weight, the resonance pattern seems to shift away slightly. In a case of titanium endpin, at low notes(:periods are over 8ms), endpin might be bringing a muting effect.


61..Chromatic Data Review -2019- (2)

[ 05/26/2019 ]     Labels: 61..Sound color-2

Cello's 46 chromatic data measured last year, A(442Hz) to C(66Hz), played mezzo-piano and arco, with 3-material 300mm-length endpins, are being reviewed closely again.
How can endpins(and the floor) influence cello's sound color/mechanical resonance? Can we see it graphically?

When 64 chromatic notes on 8-year-old cello was bowed without endpin, following notes took rather large amplitude at sound data on oscilloscope: A(442Hz), F, C, A, F, E, A#, G#, F#, F, D#, C(15Hz). Whereas, F, E, D notes were observed as a soft amplitude at tail-pin(bottom).
This tendency probably means that each note has a favorite resonant direction in cello body.

If a cello deploys an endpin and the two points of endpin are fixed between tail-pin and the floor, endpin resonates/react to specific tones and the overtones according to the endpin length and the material. These frequencies are unfortunately overlap the sound range of cellos.
For instance, a 300mmL carbon endpin remarkably and mechanically resonated to D(295Hz), A, D#, D, G#, G, D#, D, C#(70Hz).
Steel pipe and titanium endpin seem to take slightly shifted frequencies and resonance patterns.

エンドピン無しの場合、測定音(=表板振動に相当)では、高音側より A, F, C, A, F, E, A#, G#, F#, F, D#, C で大きい振幅が見られ、逆にテイルピン(底板)側では、F, E, D で共鳴振動が小さかった。

この測定では、例えばカーボンエンドピンの場合、高音側より D, A, D#, D, G#, G, D#, D, C# で顕著な共振がみられた。

61..Chromatic Data Review -2019-

[ 05/24/2019 ]     Labels: 61..Sound color-2

Cello's 46 chromatic data measured last year, C(66Hz) to A(442Hz), played mezzo-piano and arco with 3 kinds of 300mm-length endpin, are being reviewed again.
How can endpins(and the floor) influence cello's sound color/mechanical resonance? Can we see it graphically?

昨年測定したチェロの C(66Hz)-A(442Hz)の 46ケの半音階データ(エンドピン=無・カーボン・スチールパイプ・チタン、いずれも長さ=300mm、mp、arco)について、再度、細かくデータを分析をしてみよう。

70g. Cello - the resonance box and tuning fork

[ 05/04/2019 ]     Labels:  95.Video & Study1

Liberate endpin tip from the restriction of floor.