83..Measurement of resonance [ PLAN ]

[ 06/25/2019 ]     Labels:  83.Solution & Study2

Can we measure or compare the resonance of cellos?
Advanced Endpin Holders, AEH prototypes and several standard materials will be compared step-by-step.
Two sound microphones will be set up along a vertical direction and a horizontal direction.



C0. Information-OnSale

 [ 6/23/2019 ]     Labels: C0.Info-OnSale

Advanced Endpin Holder Models (型式)



61..Fine vibrations in sounds

[ 06/07/2019 ]     Labels: 61..Sound color-2

Fine elementary vibration frequencies/periods(ms) were adopted to X-axis instead of the fundamental frequency/period(ms).
Patterns of 'WithoutPin' and 'CarbonPin' were very similar, but metal endpins took rather characteristic patterns.
These patterns seem as a kind of 'voiceprint', and probably come out as sound color. The highest frequency was found at 1A-G- of titanium endpin as 0.417ms(corresponds to around 2400Hz -D-)


61..Low notes(on C string) take Turning-back-resonance?

[ 06/04/2019 ]     Labels: 61..Sound color-2

When cello's 46 chromatic sounds were plotted according to 'period'(:X-axis) and 'period of the dominant beat'(:Y-axis), a discontinuity came out at around G-F# on C string.
Skilled players can probably create a beautiful one beat(/group) waveform for many notes on A, D, and G strings. However, for low notes on C string(:C to around F#), the resonance is separated to two vibrations like a down-beat and an up-beat instead. Does this phenomenon('turning-back-resonance'??) relate to the length of cello body/string?
