56. Response Measurement-2 [ Pre-report ]

[ 7/31/2020 ]      Labels: 56.Response2

1000 or more screenshots on oscilloscope are being taken for a study of cello response/resonance. The key focus is "the first 100mS on attack", comparing following research conditions:

-- Cellos : mainly used CELLO-1, partially compared with CELLO-2.
-- A(221Hz)、D(147Hz)、G(98Hz)、and mainly C(66Hz) note, all open string.
-- Pizzicato and Spiccato(=arco, targeted to play '100mS attack' to mezzo piano), and 100mS-or-more-length captured data were preferentially adopted.
-- Endpin : Carbon(64g), Carbon(84g), Steel-pipe(132g), Ti(178g), 8mmD-Metal(212g), Metal(360g).  The length was mainly set 300mmL (partially 250mmL or 350mmL). 
-- compared with 'without endpin', and 'on AEH-112(Walnut, new model)'.

Preliminary report:
1.When a case of 'pizzicato', there seemed no difference on 'response' between the cases of endpins or without-endpin.
2.'Response' seems largely different when a cello is played 'arco', and cello players encounter a heavy resistance from their cello especially at 'attack' or 'crescendo' for low notes on C-string.
3.This heavy response may be brought by a resonance-alliance between tailpiece and endpin being supported by the floor.
4.Simple and beautiful attack waveform silhouettes are easily created at D(147Hz) and G(98Hz) note. At these tones the endpin and tailpiece seem taking rather modest influence.
On the other hand, the attack waveform on C(66Hz) and A(221Hz) are rather messy and full of uncertainty.
5.Finally, all cello notes/semitones will be divided into several group of range. Cello's dimension and the restriction from the floor are perhaps mechanically affecting behind.
Detail data will be posted later.

チェロのレスポンスと響きを解析するために、アタック(音の出始めから)の 100mS(=0.1秒)の振動データの調査を行っている。最終的にデータ数は次の条件を含めて 1000以上となる見込みである。

チェロ : チェロ-1を中心に、一部チェロ-2を比較
測定音 : A(221Hz)、D(147Hz)、G(98Hz)、主にC(66Hz) いづれも開放弦
エンドピン : カーボン(64g)~メタル(368g)の6種を比較、長さ=300mm長さを基本
比較として、エンドピン無し および AEH-112(Walnut、新モデル)


5622 Response_SampleData-2

5623 Response_SampleData-3

5624 Cello44Dimensions-Cello1-Cello2

56. Response Measurement-2 [ PLAN ]

[ 7/07/2020 ]      Labels: 56.Response2

The response/resonance of cello will be surveyed again, keeping a viewpoint of time-axis.

チェロの Resonance(響き)とレスポンスは一見別のもののように思われるが、実は一つのものであり、切り口・見る角度が違っているだけかもしれない。

5611 Response_Measurement_Image