56g. on A - Floor vs AEH113 Comparison

 [ 01/11/2021 ]    Labels: 76.Resonance2

Endpin resonance was compared between 'on floor' and 'on Advanced Endpin Holder:AEH-113' at tones on A-string.
New suggestions from the result are as follows:
1) When a cello is placed and anchored on the floor, endpin sometimes(/for some special frequencies) resonates fiercely. However, AEH-113 seems mitigating the collusion well.
2) AEH-113 mitigates the endpin resonance in general, but the ratio is rather slight for a number of tones. This tendency probably suggests us a new fact that the endpin resonance does not necessarily need the two ends fixing of endpin but simply the existence/mass of endpin itself might be enough for high frequency tones.

A線の各音に対してエンドピンの共振挙動を 床置き/アドバンストエンドピンホルダー(AEH-113)で比較した。



