90. Resonance Direction -Down bowing vs Up bowing-

[ 12/26/2019 ]     Labels:  70.Resonance Direction

Resonance directions on cello were briefly measured at A-G chromatic semitones on A-string and also D-C semitones on D-string comparing with 'steel pipe endpin 300mmL on floor' and 'without endpin', down-bowing and up-bowing.
(1)The results can be divided into two groups; [group-a]stable, clear tendency in resonance direction, [b]diverse, taking various resonance directions. The reason of [b] is not enough clear now, probably because of the factors such as multi phases even during the target semitone, difficulties in judgement of delay/waveform, complexity, vulnerability, interruptions by external effects. Differences between down-bowing and up-bowing were unclear either.
(2)According to the frequency transition, as a long-tern viewpoint, the resonance direction seems rotating. The angle rather drifts near around 0 degree on D string, however unlikely D, the angle seems spreading/rotating wide-angle on A string.
(3)There might be a possibility that an endpin narrows down the angle range of resonance. These results might reek us a secret of the body of violin-family instruments that has been probably designed originally as being able to resonate for all-round directions.
Resonance direction measurements will be gone on by switching the examinee-instrument to CELLO-1.

[a]は、A線上では H C# D# E F#、D線上では E F F# G G# A# であり、
[b]は、A線上では A D F G、D線上では D D# H であった。多様な方向を示す理由は、今後さらに調べる予定であるが、例えば、一つの半音域の中に多様な振動形態を持つ・位相の計算が難しい(判別しにくい)・振動波形が交錯したりつぶれたりしている・何某かの外的影響を受けやすい、などが考えられる。ダウン/アップボーイングで違いが見られるのは[b]グループである。
(2)大きく見ると、周波数の変化とともに振動方向が回転(ローテート)しているように見える。D線域では胴体の輪切り方向(=低角度)に振動することが多く回転周期も長いが、一方 A線域では 激しく変化しているように見える。

90. Resonance Direction - Calculation -

[ 12/13/2019 ]     Labels:  70.Resonance Direction

Each chromatic tone of cello has own characteristic waveform or the resonance direction. This phenomenon depends on the each individual instrument issue however at the same time, probably the common truth based on the structure.
Now new better-accuracy measurements are launched. The plan image is as follows ;
1.The resonance direction will be indicated as a counterclockwise angle(degrees) from the round slice level of cello body.
2.Two microphones placed at vertically and horizontally catch the cello sound wave according to each distance with the eligible delay. They are calculated as (Microsoft Excel function:) '=COS( )' or '=SIN( )'. The delay period is described as a sine curve too. This means the resonance direction can be described like '=ACOS(delay/(phase/2))...'.
3.Actually cello is not usually played at the angle of 45 degrees from the floor, but around 65 degrees. This deviation should be compensated and embedded in the calculation.
4.Overview will come out soon, but some special tones with like collapsed or complicated wave pattern will be took place a detailed testing later.
5.Begin with the checking at 'the difference down-bowing and up-bowing' on A and D string.

それぞれのマイクへの到達時間は、EXCEL関数では =COS( ) または =SIN( )関数で求められ、Vマイク - Hマイク の時間差も同じくサイン曲線であるので、振動方向は =ACOS(遅れ/(測定音の周期/2))... のイメージで求められるはずである。

86..A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) -Resonance Direction- (7)

[ 11/22/2019 ]     Labels:  85.Solution & Study4

Cello sound data captured at vertical and also horizontal microphones were compared focused on the phase. It means the relative delay of phase between two sounds, at the same time it can roughly suggest the angle gap of resonance direction from the round-slice-level of cello body.
The phase degrees were rounded off within 0-90 degree. (This representation should be better amended to 0-180 degree next post..)

Some interesting features were found out:
(1)Some tone such as A(221Hz), C, C#, E, F, F# showed a characteristic resonance directionality.
(2)The resonance way seems something different depends on the material wood(age, flexibility) and the degree of freedom of endpin tip.
(3)The resonant direction might be rotating generally according to the frequency.
(4)Tones between characteristic tones might be transforming themselves continuously and affected by player's bowing skills.
5)D(295 Hz) tone seems something special. At around 295 Hz(just center of D), the waveform changes suddenly. There might exist a discontinuity gap(fault) in the transition.
How can cello shine out own fundamental vibration? Where spot does each tone usually use to resonate? Which direction are they projected to? More careful study hereafter will probably bless us a new knowledge.

A線上のA(221Hz)-G(393Hz)音について、垂直方向マイクと水平方向マイクの波形の同期状態を比較した。おおざっぱに同調状態(=胴体の輪切り方向の振動)からのズレ(=相、 0°~ 90°)をプロットしたところ、面白い傾向があることがわかった。
(1)各半音ごとで振動の方向性に個性があるようだ。例えば、A・C・C#・E・F・F# などは個性的である。
(5)D音ではちょうど中心の 295Hzあたりで急に波形が変化する現象が見られた。音と波形のシフト(ローテーション)に不連続な断層があるのかもしれない。

86..A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) Resonance(6) Inconvenient Beats

[ 11/12/2019 ]------------------------------
Sorry, this post will be revised later.
Because my latest measurements suggest that more sensitive mechanisms might influence the cello resonance.  A series of additional survey will take place soon.

[ 11/04/2019 ]     Labels:  85.Solution & Study4

During the resonance study for A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) on A string adopting CELLO-2, some peculiar waveform was observed. Interference-beat-like waves were seen on a horizontal microphone.
According to our common understanding, interference beats are produced between two very close frequencies and rather easily found on a minor amplitude side.
Actually, the interference beats were captured on endpin at former C-string studies. See (a) and (b).
Beats found at sound microphone probably means the real interference vibration on cello body. See (c) - (f).
Verification study, one of the measurement points was moved to tailpiece, see (g) and (h), shows us a strong oscillation on the tailpiece accompanying a close frequency.
Two resonance route (1)endpin-lower bouts-top plate or (2)endpin-tailgut-tailpiece-bridge-top plate, cannot say which is dominant, however there should be a chance that endpin (or endpin-tailpiece alliance) can take the initiative resonance. This evidence might show us a kind of 'An Inconvenient Truth'.

Cello-2 を使用して A線上のD音(295Hz)付近を測定している時、水平方向のマイクで「うなり」状の波形が見られた。
通常、うなりというのは接近した周波数の波が同程度の強度で交差する時に発生するものである。そしてどちらかと言えば強度の弱い側に見られるものであると思っていた。実際、以前 C線の測定をしていた時、エンドピン振動にうなり状の波形を見ることがあった。→ 例(a)、(b)
しかし今回 A線上のD音付近で、マイク収録音でうなりが見られたことは、つまりチェロの胴体がうなり振動していることを意味する。→ 例(c)、(d)、(e)、(f)

86..A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) Resonance(5) Tailpiece Effect

[ 10/29/2019 ]     Labels:  85.Solution & Study4

Resonance for A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) notes on A string was also studied by playing CELLO-2, and compared the amplitude at vertical microphone and horizontal microphone and endpin tip. Moreover, the effect of tailpiece weight and endpin length were also checked briefly.
The cello-2, about 115-year-old instrument, is presumed to be composed by stiff wood body, the measured results seem rather less clear or contentious. However the chart says; (1)The endpin resonates well when the endpin-tip is restricted on the floor similar as Cello-1 measurement. (2)Increased weight of tailpiece probably shrinks the cello body amplitude slightly in general. (3)Endpin length seems bringing in a minor effect too.
A tailpiece vibrates suspended between the bridge and the saddle(/end-rest), can sometimes take a distinct resonance to specific frequencies. A tailpiece can transmit the vibration energy to the endpin also get a counteraction from it. Generally speaking, when several materials can share the vibration(resonance), at the same time there is also a few chance to fail to. If it fails, the material might act as a mute.

A線上のA-G音について Cello-2 を使用して同様に、マイク(V方向)、マイク(H方向)、エンドピン先端 の振動強度(オシロスコープの振幅)を比較した。合わせて参考に、テールピースの質量の影響・エンドピン長さの影響を調べた。
このCello-2は 製作後100年以上経過しており、木も固く変化しているようであり、全体として差の少ない結果となっている。しかしCello-1と同様に、チェロを床置きしてエンドピンの先端が固定されることにより、エンドピンが大きく(強く)振動している特徴は同じであり、これが最も顕著な特色である。
テールピースは 駒とサドルの間で揺れて振動する。実際に特定の周波数に対して顕著に共振するようであり注意が必要だ。特にエンドピンが大きく共振する場合はテールピースの共振も無視できなくなる。エンドピンの共振のためのエネルギーは、主にこのルート(テールピース・テールガット経由)でもたらされると考えられる。

85..A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) Resonance(4) V-H-Pin Amplitude

[ 10/23/2019 ]     Labels:  84.Solution & Study3

When an endpin was installed on cello adjusted 300mm length and placed on the floor(the tip is fixed), the endpin took an obvious mechanical resonance for almost all(A-G notes) frequency on A string irrelevantly to the endpin materials.
At the same time, in accordance with the endpin's increased resonance the sound amplitude seemed slightly getting mitigated. This phenomenon of directional damping(/muting)-dependence seems due to the resonating direction of cello body with the endpin.
This 'cello-1' is characteristic at its F-tone resonance.

チェロにエンドピンを装着して床の上に置いた時(エンドピン先端を固定した時)、エンドピンは最も強く共振する。エンドピンの材質にあまり関係なく、A線上の A-Gのほぼすべての音に対して幅広く共振しているように見える。逆にこのエンドピンの共振に伴ってチェロの共鳴音量が低下傾向にある。この低下現象は全方位に均質ではなく、音により水平・垂直等の方向性に特徴をもって表れるようである。エンドピンを装着することによってチェロの音量が総合的に増強される現象は確認できなかった。

85..A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) Resonance -2(3) Ti endpin

[ 10/12/2019 ]    Labels:  84.Solution & Study3

Typical waveform for A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) chromatic on A-string when a titanium endpin was installed:
Mechanical resonant vibration was seen on endpin at almost all 'on floor' data with 300mmL titanium endpin, and interference-like-beats were sometimes observed too.
By resonating with the mechanical vibration of endpin, cello's sound amplitude suppose to be flattened consequently.


85..A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) Resonance -2(2) Steel-pipe pin

[ 10/06/2019 ]     84.Solution & Study3

Here are typical waveform data of A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) notes on A-string as a steel-pipe endpin was installed.
When 'cello-1' placed on the floor with 300mmL steel-pipe endpin, mechanical resonant vibrations were seen on almost all notes. Interference-like-beats were observed at D and F note proving the mechanical resonance.
Cello sound(i.e. the vibration of cello body) seems to be flatten and the fundamental beats gotten unclear by resonating with endpin's flat vibration. This phenomenon can be seen either at vertical direction or horizontally.
