86..A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) -Resonance Direction- (7)

[ 11/22/2019 ]     Labels:  85.Solution & Study4

Cello sound data captured at vertical and also horizontal microphones were compared focused on the phase. It means the relative delay of phase between two sounds, at the same time it can roughly suggest the angle gap of resonance direction from the round-slice-level of cello body.
The phase degrees were rounded off within 0-90 degree. (This representation should be better amended to 0-180 degree next post..)

Some interesting features were found out:
(1)Some tone such as A(221Hz), C, C#, E, F, F# showed a characteristic resonance directionality.
(2)The resonance way seems something different depends on the material wood(age, flexibility) and the degree of freedom of endpin tip.
(3)The resonant direction might be rotating generally according to the frequency.
(4)Tones between characteristic tones might be transforming themselves continuously and affected by player's bowing skills.
5)D(295 Hz) tone seems something special. At around 295 Hz(just center of D), the waveform changes suddenly. There might exist a discontinuity gap(fault) in the transition.
How can cello shine out own fundamental vibration? Where spot does each tone usually use to resonate? Which direction are they projected to? More careful study hereafter will probably bless us a new knowledge.

A線上のA(221Hz)-G(393Hz)音について、垂直方向マイクと水平方向マイクの波形の同期状態を比較した。おおざっぱに同調状態(=胴体の輪切り方向の振動)からのズレ(=相、 0°~ 90°)をプロットしたところ、面白い傾向があることがわかった。
(1)各半音ごとで振動の方向性に個性があるようだ。例えば、A・C・C#・E・F・F# などは個性的である。
(5)D音ではちょうど中心の 295Hzあたりで急に波形が変化する現象が見られた。音と波形のシフト(ローテーション)に不連続な断層があるのかもしれない。