55b Response and Resonance(1) C(66Hz) Test Unit

[ Mar/30/2019 ]     Labels: 55.Response

Some characteristics for (cello-)response were studied by using a handmade(test) unit and playing mainly C(66Hz) mezzo-piano spiccato.
The first reports are as follows:
(1)This unit has no tailpiece. C-string is tied directly to the tail-pin and linked to endpin. Although over a hundred measurements, any obvious propagation delays could not be detected at all. The endpin starts to vibrate with measurement unit synchronously.
On the other hand on a real cello, cello players acctually know slow responses/some resistance on C string. Strings actually resonate with the endpin, but it is 'indirectly', via bridge, top plate, bouts or via tailpiece. This indirectness probably brings a slow response/resistance to cello.
(2)From the beginning, a component part of cello, such as string, shares the vibration with neighboring component parts and resonates.
E.g. Pizzicato: (see data A) We can see 1 vibration during 15.2ms(period), and around 4 vibrations on endpin.
Spiccato: (see data C,D,F) Unit body takes 5 vibrations /period. String--unit--endpin changes their vibration pattern according to mainly endpin's length, materials(density) etc. like as 1:5:9, 1:9:9, 1:9:14..
Titanium(300mmL) endpin took a remarkable resonance(see data F). If 5-homogeneous-beat occupies whole space and C(15.2ms) fundamental vibration misses, player may hear an E(331Hz) tone in the noise.
(3)According to adopting a heavy endpin, it will be getting hard work to create a clear C(66Hz) vibration on the floor.
We need to keep our eyes on this point(i.e. to preserve the fundamental vibration waves) hereafter when we develop a better solution.
