84..C(66Hz)-G(98Hz) Resonance -1

[ 08/19/2019 ]     Labels:  70.Resonance Direction

Cello's low notes on C-string were carefully measured under the condition: mezzo-forte, down bowing, 4 measurements per target note, sounds were monitored by microphones(deployed vertically and horizontally) and on bridge and endpin tip.
Following factors were compared:
1.Without endpin (on handmade stand, floating)
2.Carbon endpin-300mmL (on stand, floating)
3.Carbon endpin-300mmL (on 6Kg-wood board/floor)
4.Carbon endpin-300mmL (on AEH-new prototype No.420)
5.Carbon endpin-300mmL (on AEH-011)
6.Steel pipe endpin-300mmL (on floor)
7.Titanium rod endpin-300mmL (on floor)
8.8mmD metal rod endpin-300mmL (on floor)
As the first conclusion:
The amplitude of C#,D,D#,E showed less volume than F#,G.
By being restricted the endpin tip the resonance amplitude seems to be suppressed furthermore. Details/additional data will be discussed at next posts.

チェロのC線上(低音)の響きについて詳細に測定してみた。音域は G(98Hz)以下で、2つ以上のビートで1周期が構成されている領域である。チェロ演奏者としては感覚的に楽器の響きに不満を感じることの多いエリアである。
2.径10mmカーボンフイバーエンドピン(質量=54g)、300mmLに設定 (スタンド上)
3.径10mmカーボンエンドピン300mmL (AEH試作品No420上)
4.径10mmカーボンエンドピン300mmL (AEH011上)
5.径10mmカーボンエンドピン300mmL (6Kg木材上)
6.径10mmスチールパイプエンドピン(質量=132g)、300mmL (6Kg木材上)
7.径10mmチタンエンドピン(質量=178g)、300mmL (6Kg木材上)
8.径8mm金属エンドピン(質量=210g)、300mmL (6Kg木材上)

F#-G音に比べて C#-E音の音量が小さい。床置きした場合特に振動が落ち込んでいる。浮かせた場合との差が大きかった。

83..Singularity points and susceptibility area on cello

[ 08/11/2019 ]     Labels:  83.Solution & Study2

Recent measurements give us a hint(/hypothesis).
(1)Cello seems to have two 'singularity points' at around E(166Hz)/F(175Hz) and G(98Hz) tone. At these points, the waveform played 'arco' can sometimes form like a simple sine curve. Wolf-tones are often accompanied with on E/F. An integrated simple form is also seen at around G including some tiny elemental vibrations.
The top-plate of cello, as a single wood plate, can take a pure 1-beat vibration at around E/F, and this frequency probably is expected as the lower limit as a single vibration. G(98Hz) is expected as the lower limit that cello body(/volume) can create as a single oscillation.
(2)Many cello players sometimes experience an unnatural(/susceptible) resonance at the outside of two singularity points rather than the inside. Perhaps the details of the mechanism are not the same on A-string and C-string.
(3)At the lower frequency area, one cycle period of the tone cannot be resolved by single down-beet of C-string wire, but also needs another up-beat(s) that is created by cello body. There seems to be mainly one combination (down and up beats) at E(166Hz)-F(175Hz) , and five/four beats at (66Hz).
When a cello is played floating in the air like a violin or a viola, the downbeats and upbeats can be expected to create easily a big vertical oscillation against the cello body. However an endpin is installed and the cello played on the floor, the fulcrum of the oscillation moves from lower-bouts of body to the endpin-tip. The resonance direction and the manner of upbeat might change slightly. If the resonance is incomplete, muting effect may be brought. Endpin's material, weight or the length probably should take a role in this process.
Let go on an research on C-string first.

(1)チェロには二つの特異点が存在します。音で言うと、E(166Hz)-F(175Hz)と G(98Hz)近辺です。ここでは丁寧なボーイングで演奏すると音波形が正弦波に近い(シンプルな)形をとることができます。E/F音ではウルフを伴うことがあります。G音では正確には複数のビートが生成していると推測されますがそれにも関わらず全体として一つの単純な響きの音を作り出しているように見えます。
(3)低音域では上記の理由により、1ビートつまり、主拍(弦によるダウンビート)だけで一つの周期を完結できません。そのため裏拍を胴体が受け持つことになります。E(83Hz)/F(88Hz)付近では主・裏の2ビートが一般的で、最低音のC/Dでは 5-3ビートが見られます。この時、バイオリンやビオラのように空中に浮かせて演奏すると、主・裏拍は胴体に垂直な方向に大きく共振できますが、エンドピンを付けて床置きしエンドピンの先端が1点に固定されると裏拍はエンドピンの先端を支点として呼応するようになります。エンドピンの材質・質量・長さの影響を受けることになります。また振動方向が変化するかもしれませんし、うまく共振できない場合は振動を抑制する(ミュートとして働いてしまう)かもしれません。