85..A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) Resonance -2(1) Carbon pin

[ 09/30/2019 ]     Labels:  84.Solution & Study3

A(221Hz)-G(393Hz) notes on A-string were studied by testing carbon endpin(first, attached below), steel-pipe endpin(next post) and titanium endpin.
Typical waveform of each note and each endpin will be listed.
Measured data at bridge(3) give us interference-like beats with big amplitude, they probably are the motion from the friction of bow hair against the string, however the influence to sound/mechanical resonance seems limited. The biggest interest is 'Can an endpin really amplify the resonance of cello body at A-string area'.

駒(測定点3)で 大きな振幅をとらえているが、うなりのように増減している波形は弦と弓の摩擦をとらえていると推測される。実際に発生音・表板/エンドピンとの共振について 影響は大きくないように思われる。