56. Response TOPICS -1-

 [ 8/27/2020 ]      Labels: 56.Response2

As the beginning of a review for cello response/resonance, some topics will be posted.
The most remarkable feature is the resonance(vibration) of endpin when a cello is placed on the floor.
Endpin's resonance comes out very tiny at pizzicato. However, it often enlarges at attack-bowing or long-tone-bowing.
Although the endpin's resonant vibration can be found at many tones, the amplitude is not easily determinable. It depends on cellos, endpin length(/materials). Moreover, the uncertainty seems be resided.  
Keys for the secret of response/resonance will be come out from following studies.
"Quick attack"(arco) in the measurements was played targeted as 100mS-bowing. We can easily have an overview(0.5 sec) on an oscilloscope by setting the horizontal lattice as 50mS. Take a look at following sample data.

(3)エンドピンの共振現象は多くの音で見られるが、どの音でどれだけ共振するかは 楽器により あるいはエンドピンの長さ(または材質)により 微妙に異なるようだ。特定の音においてさえも 大きく共振する場合もあればそうでない場合もある。(不確定さが見られる。)
"アタック"は 0.1秒程度の短いボーイングで行った。全体の挙動をとらえるには、オシロスコープの水平1格子を 50mS に設定すると全体像(0.5秒)が一望しやすい。幾つかの典型的な例を見ていただきたい。