56. Response TOPICS -2- Wolf tone

 [ 09/06/2020 ]      Labels: 61..Sound color-2,  63.Wolf tone

Many oscilloscope screenshots hint us a regularity in their resonance spectrum according to the tone name such as C,D,E,F,G,A,, only when they played by pizzicato. Each tone's spectrum shape seems very resembling beyond octaves or cello instruments.
The first two screenshots are typical E(166Hz, second semitone on D string) spectrum of pizzicato and short arco attack. They are all consisted of 6mS(E,166Hz) fundamental vibration and seem as if they are totally twisted or rolling.
The last two screenshots are very unique: E(almost 166Hz, 9th semitone on E string) wolf tone in pizzicato and arco long tone. The amplitude of wave regularly/irregularly dies away and recovers again.
Wolf tones probably relate to the simple/inflexible resonance of top-plate of cello.

オシロスコープで多くのCelloの音波形を見ていると、pizzicatoの波形は オクターブや楽器の違いとあまり関係なく C-D-E-F-G--等の音名ごとで極めてよく似ていることに気づく。例えば、E(166Hz, D線上第2半音)の典型的な波形は、最初の写真のようである。(上:ピチカート、下:短いアルコ・アタック)、6mSの基本周期で規則的に振動しながらねじれている(あるいはローリングしている)かのように見える。