56f. Endpin materials, Cello-1 -2 on-A Comparison

 [ 12/30/2020 ]   Labels:  76.Resonance2

Endpin resonance was compared by some endpin materials and by Cello-1/Cello-2 for tones on A-string.
Endpin's resonance pattern seems differ more or less in accordance with endpin materials and also with cellos.
When a cello resonates at a tone(/frequency), the resonance direction/pattern is not the same because of the dimensions or wood materials etc. of each cello. Therefore, the energy that is outflowing from the cello body to endpin probably is not equal either. Resonance direction seems rotating rather in a short cycle.






56e. Cello-1 on-A Comparison by Endpin Length

 [ 12/20/2020 ]    Labels :  76.Resonance2

Endpin resonance was also studied on tones on A-string. The first comparison is shown focused on the endpin length.
Standard deviation for resonance intensity data(-endpin's relative amplitude-) seems rather small than that on C-string(:former posts), therefore measured all data were plotted in a chart.
Endpin resonates and vibrates well than imagined for tones on A-string. It probably depends on the frequency of the tone and the length of endpin. Long endpin generally seems bringing large amplitude and large deviation. Endpin resonance was seen in 'pizzicato' too.

A線上の各音について、C線の時と同様にエンドピンの相対的な振幅強度を調べた。データのバラツキ(標準偏差)は C線の場合より小さいようなので、測定した全データをプロットした。とりあえずピンの長さでの比較。




56e5-Cello1-onA-SteelPipe-Sample Data

7a. Favorite Resonance Frequencies of Endpin

 [ 12/13/2020 ]    Labels:  75.Resonance

Endpins, usually every slender rods/pipes, have a specific/favorite frequency to resonate with the source vibration if their two ends/points are fixed/anchored.
The resonant frequency is fundamentally proportional to the length restricted rather than their materials. Frequency of endpin around 30cm-length just overlaps over the tones on A-string. The feature seems something like a tuning-fork with the resonance box.

エンドピン(一般に棒や細いパイプ)は 2点を固定するとその2点間の長さに比例して特定の波長(/周波数)で顕著な共振をする。つまり長さに応じたお気に入りの周波数が存在する。





56d. CGDA Resonance/Response Study - 1 -

 [ 12/03/2020 ]    Labels:  75.Resonance

--- On C-G-D-A string: Resonance of Endpin ---
Resonance data of cello(Cello-1) measured on A, D and G string are also compared here with on C data already studied.
Endpin's resonance intensity is carefully measured at arco-attack and arco-long-tone. The intensity(amplitude) is represented as a relative ratio to the sound intensity from cello body. In this report, a steel-pipe endpin 300mmL below tail-pin was adopted, measured at C(66Hz) to C(526Hz). The standard deviation data were also plotted in charts.
For your information, 300mm-length steel-pipe endpin is especially resonates to F# tone, this might have influenced to some G, H results.
There are some comments:
1.Steel-pipe endpin was well resonated with cello body through all tone range.
2.Resonance amplitude is rather prominent at low tones and high tones, and the tendency is generally similar at the standard deviation.
3.The reason at high tones is probably different from that of C string area. We shall review this theme next:

--- C-G-D-A線 - エンドピン振動 ---
データは Cello-1 でスチールパイプエンドピン(床まで長さ=300mmL)である。C(66Hz)-C(526Hz)を測定し平均値をプロットした。バラツキを見るために、標準偏差(Excel関数でいう STDEV.E())を併記した。
サンプルデータ(2D5G: D線上の第5半音のG)を紹介します。10mm径のスチールパイプエンドピンは床との距離を300mm(両端を固定)とした時、F#音に特別によく共振する。測定された G,H音で大きな共振が見られたことと関係があるかもしれない。
(3)A線(高音域)でエンドピンの共振が大きい理由は、C線(低音)とは別である可能性がある。チェロを弾いていてエンドピンと床の影響を実感するのは主にC線とA線である。続いて A線データをまとめる。


