56e. Cello-1 on-A Comparison by Endpin Length

 [ 12/20/2020 ]    Labels :  76.Resonance2

Endpin resonance was also studied on tones on A-string. The first comparison is shown focused on the endpin length.
Standard deviation for resonance intensity data(-endpin's relative amplitude-) seems rather small than that on C-string(:former posts), therefore measured all data were plotted in a chart.
Endpin resonates and vibrates well than imagined for tones on A-string. It probably depends on the frequency of the tone and the length of endpin. Long endpin generally seems bringing large amplitude and large deviation. Endpin resonance was seen in 'pizzicato' too.

A線上の各音について、C線の時と同様にエンドピンの相対的な振幅強度を調べた。データのバラツキ(標準偏差)は C線の場合より小さいようなので、測定した全データをプロットした。とりあえずピンの長さでの比較。




56e5-Cello1-onA-SteelPipe-Sample Data