7B00 Endpin Resonance REVIEW

[ 4/10/2023 ]       Labels: 54.Endpin-Resonance4

Cello's resonance body has remarkable abilities that can resonate all/continuous tones, on the other hand, how the endpins are working? We took a review for endpin resonance including our unpublished data.
Resonance mechanisms of endpins are rather simple. It seems simply like rods or pipes. When the given frequency meets the resonance frequency of rod, endpins resonate well. There seems three mechanisms according to the tone area.

[A] At high tone area, the resonance mainly depends on(or in proportion to) the characteristic frequency as a rod/pipe.
[C] At the lowest tones such as C,C#,D on C string, and placed a cello on the floor, the energy of cello resonance can easily leaks to the floor. Because cello body cannot resonate such a long wavelength in itself. As a result the sound weakens and generates interference beats to the floor. We will review it later again.

[B] The dominant mechanism of endpin resonance seems come from the behavior of rods/pipes (two points fixed) between tail-pin and floor. Some important findings are seen here.
(1) Beats in a cycle period are mesured and colored. Endpins can resonate with given tones as single beat( as a same frequency) only above (around) 220Hz. This fatal competence will bring the modern cello a husky/mechanical sound color.
(2) Diagonal-mountains-valley-like resonance pattern tells us something. "Low tone & long endpin" and "high tone & short endpin" are taking a same mechanical resonance beats. Extra length of endpin is probably taking the initiative to the resonance. Heavy metal endpin shows a clearer tendency.
(3) Endpin resonates well at mountains area and less at valleys, sometimes acting as a mute.

一方、エンドピンはどうであろうか?。 未投稿のデータも加えて、エンドピンの共振メカニズムをレビューしておこう。
(1) 1周期内で共振するビート数を見ると、「赤1」で示すエリアは、ほぼA(420Hz)あたりよりも高周波域に限定される。つまりエンドピン共振は C,G,D線域のトーンに対して1ビートで共振できない。つまり細かな高音の均一(機械的)振動として共振する。モダンチェロのツーンとした音の原因をもたなしているようだ。

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7B04 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン

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7B06 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン