7B10 Endpin Resonance at Lowest C(66)/C#(70) - PLAN -

 [ 5/16/2023 ]       Labels: 54.Endpin-Resonance4

Cello resonance on the lowest tones(C, C#) were very mysterious as if we can glance the secrets/depth of the cello instrument.

On the other side, how can behave the mechanical resonance of endpin at the lowest frequencies. Detail study was implemented changing endpin materials and its length comparing with 'without pin' or 'Advanced Endpin Holder'.

It might be irrational to compare the acoustic amplitude of sound microphone with mechanical vibration of rods/pipes, the results were rather naturally acceptable for us daily cello players.

Mechanical resonance of endpins especially at C/C# tones was very very complicated like a puzzle. Some new findings will be reported later. Endpins mechanical resonance amplified by the floor will never contribute to the musicality of low tones. 



7B11 Endpin Resonance CC# -Theme- チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン 共振

7B12 Endpin Resonance CC# -Measurement Point- チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン 共振

7B13 Endpin Resonance CC# -Conditions- チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン 共振