7B40 C(66Hz)/C#(70Hz) Typical Resonance - (1)(2)(3) -

[ 6/19/2023 ]      Labels: 54.Endpin-Resonance4

The resonance mechanism of the lowest tones(C-66Hz,C#-70Hz) of cello is different lots from other tones. The typical resonance patterns are shown below. 

(1)The most typical pattern is composed by combining its overtones. This is the only way for cello to create a long wavelength such as 5.2m(C66Hz). When a cello played without endpin, every pattern belongs this(1).

(2)When a cello played on the floor, especially with heavy metal endpin, the resonance waveform of the body often reduces the amplitude and flattened.

(3)On the floor, endpin takes mechanical resonance itself then the vibration flows backward to the cello body and affects the resonance, changing the sound color.

(4)Interference beats are often seen in C/C#. --- This issue will be reported soon. ---





(4)しばしばうなりを発生。床への不快な振動とエネルギー流出。場合によってはうなりが筐体へも逆流。 ----- 近日投稿予定 ------

7B41_C66-C#70-TypicalResonance-1-WithoutEndpin- #endpin #length #resonance #cello #響き #共鳴 エンドピンの無しの時の 低音の共鳴の典型的記録

7B42_C66-C#70-TypicalResonance-2-Flattening-onFloor #endpin #length #resonance #cello #響き #共鳴 エンドピン装着時 響き・音量の平坦化

7B43_C66-C#70-TypicalResonance-3-MechanicalResonance-onFloor #endpin #length #resonance #cello #響き #機械的共鳴 エンドピン装着時 共振波形変化 音質変化