83..TOPICS(4) - Sound speed in cello

[ 07/30/2019 ]     Labels:  83.Solution & Study2

Basic data about such as the sound speed in cello are measured again and reviewed here as 'TOPICS(4)'. These data will help us to understand the essentials of cello-resonance probably at next study.
--Measurement(1), Measurement(2)--
A stick was tapped lightly against the bridge and the impulse was monitored at contact microphone(5):set on scroll-A and microphone(4):set on endpin-tip. Averaged time to reach the scroll-A(about 900mm away) was 0.27ms (:see 'd(3-5)') and the time to endpin-tip was around 1.5ms (:see 'd(3-4)'). This means the sound speed in cello is 3300m/sec to 530m/sec, higher than the speed in the air(:340m/sec).
The vibration from A(221Hz) pizzicato was monitored at two sound microphones set vertically and horizontally(around 500mm away). Differ from the sound speed in wood/metal, actual vibration on top-plate that can create a real sound needs to get enough energy and a certain short time to make a swing.
Each vibration waveform seems to maximize the amplitude in about 1.6ms. If the top-plate actually oscillates 5mm, the speed is calculated as 3m/sec, 100 times slower than the sound in air. Waveforms of sound show us probably the real oscillation of cello body itself.

測定-1: 駒を軽く叩いた時に生じる振動を糸巻きとエンドピン先端の2ケ所で測定した。(=チェロの木・エンドピンなどの素材を伝わる音速が調べせれる)
例えば糸巻(A)までは 約900mmの距離があるが、信号が到達するのに平均 0.27ミリ秒--図中の 'd(3-5)'--であった。(速度=3300メートル/秒に相当する)
測定-2: 駒を軽く叩いた時に生じる音を約500mm離れた垂直方向と水平方向のマイクロフォンで測定した。空中の音速の所要時間を 1.5ミリ秒程度とすると、表板が実際に有効な振動を生成するのに(さらに)0.5~1.5ミリ秒程度を必要としているようだ。
測定-3: A(221Hz)のピチカートで測定した場合、実際に表板を十分に振動させるのに2ミリ秒程度を必要としていると考えられる。
また、ひとつづつの振動波形を見ると、波形の立ち上がりは 1.6ミリ秒程度であった。仮に表板が振動により5mm動いたとしても表板の速度は 5/0.0016= 3メートル/秒程度であり、空気中の音速と比べると1/100程度である。発生音は表板の振動よりもはるかに速く飛び去っていることを意味している。マイクロフォンで捉えられる波形は楽器の振動そのものと考えてよいと思われる。

83..Resonance study(1) -Test bridge(40,60,80,100mm)-

[ 07/21/2019 ]     Labels:  83.Solution & Study2

How the situation of endpin-tip influences cello resonance? Small wood bridge samples(width:25mm, thickness:6mm, arch length:40-60-80-100mm) were tested compared with 'floating' , 'on floor' and AEH-011.
(1)The resonance of cello seems to be largely effected according to the degree of freedom of endpin-tip. It is not the same on every tone. Bouncing endpin-tip (or largely vibrating endpin itself) sometimes helps cello body to resonate greatly, but otherwise fails occasionally. Some hints or possibility for better solution is glimpsed in the results.
(2)Endpin tip placed directly on the floor (and restricted the vibration) seems to take a distinctive resonance for specific tones and the overtones, but for other usual cases it might works like as a kind of mute.
(3)The amplitude of two microphones(arranged vertically vs horizontally) are not the same in many cases. We need to study more on the true reason.


83..TOPICS(3) - Vibration pitch on endpin

[ 07/15/2019 ]     Labels:  83.Solution & Study2

Vibration frequency/period on cello were measured and compared between sound(=vibration from top-plate) and endpin(mainly at endpin tip). The deviation is really tiny even on a computer screen. Actually the delay is around 1mm length per measured 100mm chart. Careful and multiple studies should be needed. 1A0A(221Hz open) and 3G0G(98Hz open) data played by bowing are attached below.

(1)All vibration frequencies on endpin were very slightly lower than the sound(=top-plates vibration).
(2)According to the material(weight) of endpin, the vibrating pitch(of endpin) seemed to shift lower. Data of 'on floor'(=two points of the endpin are fixed) seems to take slightly a lower pitch than 'floating'. The length of endpin did not show a clear difference. Observed deviation was almost 10-20% of a chromatic semitone or 1-2Hz as frequency. The lower-pitch-shifting phenomenon probably relates to the impedance(/acoustic impedance?) during the propagation.
(3)Some waveform data of endpin contain like interference beats that might link to the deviation(between body and delayed endpin).
(4)Typical interference beat pattern was not seen on sound data, however tiny elementary mechanical vibrations seem surely shared on cello body.

しかしこの差は意外と大きな意味を持っている。1A0A(221Hz)と3G0G(98Hz)の arcoでのデータを添付する。

83..TOPICS(2) - Vibrating direction

[ 07/08/2019 ]     Labels:  83.Solution & Study2

Two microphones placed vertically and horizontally to the cello show contrastive waveforms of measured sound notes. For some notes they take a synchronized phase, and for other group notes they represent opposite phase.
Probably this phenomenon suggests us the vibration of cello is related to two directions :(a)belly-back and (b)neck-tailpin. (Attached data : equipped 300mmL carbon endpin on floor.)
Two sound microphone data also show they are taking absolutely the same frequency(or period), however that on endpin were not the same, very slightly the pitch on endpin was shifted according to the material/weight/setting. This finding will be discussed in next post.


83..TOPICS(1) - Sound projection

[ 07/01/2019 ]      Labels:  83.Solution & Study2

For a start, some notes were bowed on cello and the created sounds were monitored by two microphones placed vertically and also horizontally to the cello.
Two directional sound did not take same amplitude for some notes.
Each note might take own resonance center at different places in cello, or might take directional projection.
For example, 4C-0C(Open C 66Hz on C-string), 3G-0G, 1A-10G rather propagates horizontally, on the other hand 1A-0A resonated vertically(just under the player's ear). 2D-0D, and E seems omnidirectional.
This fact must remind us the cello sound sometimes travels differently to the audience and the player.

その結果、音(音階)ごとで、方向により音の強度に違いがあることがわかった。例えば、4C-0C(C線openのC音、66Hz)、3G-0G、1A-10Gなどは水平方向で強い振動の伝わりが見られた。(胴体の下半球中心にチェロが共鳴しているのかもしれない。) 逆に、1A-0A(A線openのA)は垂直方向に音が飛んでいる。聴衆よりも演奏者の耳に大きく響いていることになる。D音・E音はあえて言えば無指向性であった。