83..Resonance study(1) -Test bridge(40,60,80,100mm)-

[ 07/21/2019 ]     Labels:  83.Solution & Study2

How the situation of endpin-tip influences cello resonance? Small wood bridge samples(width:25mm, thickness:6mm, arch length:40-60-80-100mm) were tested compared with 'floating' , 'on floor' and AEH-011.
(1)The resonance of cello seems to be largely effected according to the degree of freedom of endpin-tip. It is not the same on every tone. Bouncing endpin-tip (or largely vibrating endpin itself) sometimes helps cello body to resonate greatly, but otherwise fails occasionally. Some hints or possibility for better solution is glimpsed in the results.
(2)Endpin tip placed directly on the floor (and restricted the vibration) seems to take a distinctive resonance for specific tones and the overtones, but for other usual cases it might works like as a kind of mute.
(3)The amplitude of two microphones(arranged vertically vs horizontally) are not the same in many cases. We need to study more on the true reason.
