83..TOPICS(1) - Sound projection

[ 07/01/2019 ]      Labels:  83.Solution & Study2

For a start, some notes were bowed on cello and the created sounds were monitored by two microphones placed vertically and also horizontally to the cello.
Two directional sound did not take same amplitude for some notes.
Each note might take own resonance center at different places in cello, or might take directional projection.
For example, 4C-0C(Open C 66Hz on C-string), 3G-0G, 1A-10G rather propagates horizontally, on the other hand 1A-0A resonated vertically(just under the player's ear). 2D-0D, and E seems omnidirectional.
This fact must remind us the cello sound sometimes travels differently to the audience and the player.

その結果、音(音階)ごとで、方向により音の強度に違いがあることがわかった。例えば、4C-0C(C線openのC音、66Hz)、3G-0G、1A-10Gなどは水平方向で強い振動の伝わりが見られた。(胴体の下半球中心にチェロが共鳴しているのかもしれない。) 逆に、1A-0A(A線openのA)は垂直方向に音が飛んでいる。聴衆よりも演奏者の耳に大きく響いていることになる。D音・E音はあえて言えば無指向性であった。