569. 4C Resonance/Response Study -2-

 [ 10/27/2020 ]     Labels:  75.Resonance

 --- Comparison by endpin length ---
Regard to tones on cello C-string, measurements were done on how the endpin-length influences the cello resonance by comparing steel-pipe endpin 250mmL, 300mmL and 350mmL(under tail-pin). The behavior was focused on under arco-bowing(attack and long-tone).
In conclusion, according to the endpin length, the resonance of cello differed beyond expectations in advance.:
1.When an endpin is set as longer length, the resonance of endpin increases and the amplitude of upper hemisphere of cello body also seems intensified. On the contrary, short endpin bringing an tendency that concentrates/shifts the resonance to the lower hemisphere of body and sometimes to tailpiece.
2.Cello's low tones have a longer wavelength beyond the body length, seems seeking a longer route to vibrate, then the lot of energy outflows toward the floor(/the anchor point) resonating with all accessories and behaving as the total length.

--- C線 - エンドピン長さの影響 : ---
(2)エンドピン先が床に着地して固定されると、大きなエネルギーがエンドピンとテールピースの共振を伴いながら床に向けて流出する。低音の長波長に呼応しようとして 床の固定点との間で全身振動をつくりだしているように見える。



568. 4C Resonance/Response Study -1-

 [ 10/19/2020 ]    Labels:  75.Resonance

As the start of an advanced study for cello resonance/response, resonance amplitude(on an oscilloscope) of endpin/tailpiece are compared. Adopted Cello-1 and steel-pipe endpin(300mmL) on the floor. The amplitude of endpin/tailpiece is always compared relatively with the average of two sound microphones. Today's topics are:
1. In many cases, endpin resonates few with a cello body after a pizzicato-pluck. On the other hand, an endpin resonates well at 'arco' especially at 'arco attack'.
2. Endpin increases its vibration in accordance with lower tones(,longer wave-length) as though a long wave-length seek a longer route toward the floor.
3. The resonance amplitude of endpin often brings discrepancies(/spread) capriciously especially at 'arco-attack'.
4. We have no special comments for tailpiece in this tone range so far.
Studies on endpin material, length, AEH solution and behaviors at high tones will be taken place soon later.

最初に、C線上の C,D,E,F,G,,音についてアルコとピツィカートでのエンドピンとテールピースの共振強度を見てみる。
Cello-1, Steel pipeエンドピン(300mmL)での測定データである。より公平に比較するために、表板上空の二つのマイクの測定振幅強度の平均値との相対比較である。その結果として、
引き続き、エンドピン材質・長さ・Cello-2・AEH11xシリーズの効果・G,D,A線音域 などについて見ていく。




567. Response and Newton's laws of motion

 [ 10/10/2020 ]     Labels:  75.Resonance

The resonance mechanism around cello endpin(and tailpiece) seems having something in common especially at tones on D, G and C string.
1- In many cases, accessories(endpin or tailpiece) resonate few after a pizzicato-pluck. This behavior reminds us of the Newton's first law - Every object persists in uniform motion -. Another saying, an endpin might rather work as a mute against momentary force/vibration.
2- On the other hands, endpins often resonate with arco-bowed tones. When the energy is supplied or the vibration is accelerated, moreover endpin tip is anchored on the floor, endpins resonates beyond expectations. This phenomenon also reminds us of the Newton's second law - Force equals mass times accelerations -. Many cellists get experience on their right hand an extra-resistance from cello strings, this action/re-action force must be the cause. The equation suggests the force is proportional to mass of material(or also may be to vibrating length of endpin).
3- The resonance intensity/amplitude of endpin often differs capriciously, and resonance mechanism seems different at high tones on A string. These issues will be studied later.

1.ピチカート時、エンドピンとテールピースはほとんど共振していない。ニュートンの運動の第一法則(慣性の法則) を連想するように、突然与えられて動きに対してエンドピンは静止状態を維持しようとしているかのようだ。つまり、衝撃・一過的振動に対してはどちらかと言えばミュート効果として働いているように見える。
2.ボーイング演奏の場合、または弓を使ったアタックの時は逆に(一般的に)大きく共振する場合が多い。つまりエネルギーが継続して供給される場合または加速される場合、エンドピンは強く共振する。ここではニュートンの第二法則( F = m * a )が連想される。チェロを床置きして弓演奏する時、右手が受ける想定外の抵抗(F)はエンドピン等自体の運動エネルギーであり、エンドピンの質量(または振動している部分の長さ分の質量)に比例するように思われる。おそらくこれが重いレスポンスの正体である。

5672 Response and Newton-Laws_1400x900

5673 Example Cello1_Ti300_Floor_1A2H

5674 Example Cello1_SteelP300_Floor_3G5C

5675 Example Cello2_Cbn84-300_Floor_4C7G

5676 Example Cello1_SteelP300_Floor_4C4E

566. Response-Resonance Measurement Point

 [ 10/02/2020 ]     Labels:  75.Resonance

Currently 1500 measurements (or more) have been carried on about the response/resonance of cello.
Measurement points on/for cello are following four positions :
-1: around 10 to 15 cm over upper hemisphere of top-plate ( by small sound microphone )
-2: around 10 to 15 cm over bottom hemisphere of top-plate ( by small sound microphone )
-3: on tailpiece, a tuner microphone is held on by a rubber band as a same manner.
-4: on endpin tip, another tuner microphone is held on by a rubber band as a same manner.

It is unfair to compare directly the amplitude between audio microphones and tuner(contact) microphones, however the results are very acceptable because the result amplitude reminds us the feeling when our fingers actually touched at top-plate, tailpiece and endpin.
A number of planned measurements, the conditions are attached below, will probably finally show us a rough overall picture of response/resonance of cello: which tone, which condition makes endpin/tailpiece resonate, when and why.

(1)測定点はわかりやすいように上から下へ、①表板上部の10-15cm上、②表板下部の10-15cm上、③テールピース、④エンドピン先端 の順とした。 (エンドピン無の場合は、④=テールピン直下を測定)
(2)①②の音声マイクは直近の表板の振動をとらえいてるはずである。なぜなら表板の物理的振動速度に比べて空中の音速は 100倍以上に高速であるから。
現在 1500ケ 以上の測定が進行中である。

5662 Measurement Point_1400x900

5663 Measurement Matrix_1400x900

5664 Example_StlP300-3G4H_floor_1400x900