569. 4C Resonance/Response Study -2-

 [ 10/27/2020 ]     Labels:  75.Resonance

 --- Comparison by endpin length ---
Regard to tones on cello C-string, measurements were done on how the endpin-length influences the cello resonance by comparing steel-pipe endpin 250mmL, 300mmL and 350mmL(under tail-pin). The behavior was focused on under arco-bowing(attack and long-tone).
In conclusion, according to the endpin length, the resonance of cello differed beyond expectations in advance.:
1.When an endpin is set as longer length, the resonance of endpin increases and the amplitude of upper hemisphere of cello body also seems intensified. On the contrary, short endpin bringing an tendency that concentrates/shifts the resonance to the lower hemisphere of body and sometimes to tailpiece.
2.Cello's low tones have a longer wavelength beyond the body length, seems seeking a longer route to vibrate, then the lot of energy outflows toward the floor(/the anchor point) resonating with all accessories and behaving as the total length.

--- C線 - エンドピン長さの影響 : ---
(2)エンドピン先が床に着地して固定されると、大きなエネルギーがエンドピンとテールピースの共振を伴いながら床に向けて流出する。低音の長波長に呼応しようとして 床の固定点との間で全身振動をつくりだしているように見える。

