566. Response-Resonance Measurement Point

 [ 10/02/2020 ]     Labels:  75.Resonance

Currently 1500 measurements (or more) have been carried on about the response/resonance of cello.
Measurement points on/for cello are following four positions :
-1: around 10 to 15 cm over upper hemisphere of top-plate ( by small sound microphone )
-2: around 10 to 15 cm over bottom hemisphere of top-plate ( by small sound microphone )
-3: on tailpiece, a tuner microphone is held on by a rubber band as a same manner.
-4: on endpin tip, another tuner microphone is held on by a rubber band as a same manner.

It is unfair to compare directly the amplitude between audio microphones and tuner(contact) microphones, however the results are very acceptable because the result amplitude reminds us the feeling when our fingers actually touched at top-plate, tailpiece and endpin.
A number of planned measurements, the conditions are attached below, will probably finally show us a rough overall picture of response/resonance of cello: which tone, which condition makes endpin/tailpiece resonate, when and why.

(1)測定点はわかりやすいように上から下へ、①表板上部の10-15cm上、②表板下部の10-15cm上、③テールピース、④エンドピン先端 の順とした。 (エンドピン無の場合は、④=テールピン直下を測定)
(2)①②の音声マイクは直近の表板の振動をとらえいてるはずである。なぜなら表板の物理的振動速度に比べて空中の音速は 100倍以上に高速であるから。
現在 1500ケ 以上の測定が進行中である。

5662 Measurement Point_1400x900

5663 Measurement Matrix_1400x900

5664 Example_StlP300-3G4H_floor_1400x900