7A-21 Endpin Resonance on A-string(442Hz-) -1-

 [ 10/29/2021 ]   Labels: 52.Endpin-Resonance2

Resonance for high tones:442 Hz-884 Hz(/937 Hz) was studied on A-string at two cellos.
At this high tone area, the leading resonance parts of the instrument seems shifting from cello body to tailpiece-gut-endpin group.
Sometimes tailpiece resonates fiercely because their dimensions or the mass probably respond to the given frequency. Nevertheless the more serious impact to the sound might be driven by endpins because endpins are directly fixed with body.
Endpins also seems having a resolute resonate frequencies in high tone area. Probably the fundamental frequency of the bar/pipe-shape endpins will exist near there. Tailgut is also suspicious.
This inconvenient resonance is mechanically brought by the floor by fixing the tip of endpin and amplified the tailpiece-tailgut-endpin(-group) resonance.
The relative comparison(% basis) between (a:)endpin/tailpiece and (b:)average of front & back microphones will be more helpful to understand the resonance tendency.

(3)高周波域でエンドピンの顕著な共振周波数がある理由として、エンドピンという棒の基本振動数がこの近くに存在する可能性が強いと言える。(あるいは振動する弦の長さと関係があるかもしれないが) テールガットが共振している可能性がある。この歓迎されない現象は床がエンドピンの先端を固定することにより、テールピースまでの直列グループとして振動増幅させてしまうことによる。
「mV」で比較するよりも、二つの音声マイク(Front + Back)のmV平均値との相対比較「%」の方がわかりやすい。

7A54 Resonance A442- MEMO-image

7A55 Resonance Amplitude A442- Tailpiece


7A-20 Endpin Resonance on A-string(221Hz-) -Summary-

 [ 10/20/2021 ]   Labels:  52.Endpin-Resonance2

Resonance properties of tailpiece and endpins were studied over 221Hz-442Hz on A-string(/cello).
Although it had been rather unclear at C-string(low tones), now on A-string(high tones) it got dimly clear.  
(1)Tailpieces seem resonate with the source simply and mainly by the tone(frequency). On the other hands,
(2)Endpin resonance seems depend on the length of fixed two-points. Two or three resonant areas exist in this octave, it can be estimated the fundamental frequencies of such an around 50cm-length endpins(/rods/pipes, 10mmD) will probably exist at around 2000Hz(i.e. 2-3 octave above).

(1)テールピースの共振は主に トーン(・周波数)に依存しているように見える。
(2)一方エンドピンは(床置きして2点が固定される時)、伸ばされた長さに依存して変化しているように見える。その共振列が1オクターブの間に 2~3本あるということは、10mm径で全長が50cm程度のエンドピン(棒またはパイプ)の基音周波数が事実上大雑把に 2~3オクターブ上の 2000Hzあたりに存在していることを予感させる。

7A52 Endpin-Resonance-Amplitude-SUMMARY-onA221-onFloor


7A-19 TP-Pin Resonance on A-string Titanium(178g)Endpin

 [ 10/20/2021 ]   Labels: 52.Endpin-Resonance2

7A48 Cello1-Ti-onA221-Floor-TP-Pin-Resonance

7A49 Cello2-Ti-onA221-Floor-TP-Pin-Resonance

7A-16 Mechanical Resonance on Titanium Endpin

 [ 10/ 7/2021 ]   Labels:  51.Endpin-Resonance

Mechanical resonance behavior of titanium endpin(10mmD, total=520mmL) was studied for wide-range tones of cello(:CELLO-2).
When a cello is placed on the floor and two points of the (titanium)pin are fixed, the endpin took a remarkable mechanical resonance at many frequency points. The shortest period(highest frequency) was at around 0.53mS, 1870Hz, (A-)A#, very high tone area(
equivalent to just slightly slid out from the fingerboard).
The characteristic frequency(-probably it is the fundamental-) might be depend on the endpin material or the length.
As for lower resonance points, such as 930Hz(A-A#), 460Hz(A-A#), 330Hz(E),, they are correspond to 'n times of period', these subharmonic frequency are integer(times) undertone series of the fundamental frequency.
The area 3-octaves(or 4 times undertone) or lower, i.e. (partially) on D-string, G-string or C-string area, there are too many undertones that can resonate with.
Tailpiece behavior, also body resonance itself, will increase their complexity.

[ エンドピンは自身の低音倍音で共振する ]
Cello2を使って C線(低音域)及びA線(高音域)の広い音域に対して、チタンエンドピンが大きく機械的共振する顕著な場所を調べた。
その下の音域では、930Hz(A-A#)あたり、460Hz(A-A#)、330Hz(E)、、という風に n(整数)倍の周期・波長位置で共振している分かった。つまり、低音側の倍音(undertone)に沿っている。
さらに 3オクターブ(4倍周期)を超える中-低音のD線・G線・C線上の音では、どこで共振してもおかしくないような状態になる。エンドピンの共振の謎が解けた。

7A36 Ti-Pin-Resonance-UnderTones-OscilloChartSample

7A37 Ti-Pin-Resonance-UnderTones-by-mS-Hz-PinLength

7A38 Ti-Pin-Resonance-PinUnderTones-vs-SoundTone

7A-15 Endpin resonance and Tuning fork

 [ 10/04/2021 ]   Labels:  51.Endpin-Resonance

Endpin (and tailpiece) resonance characteristics on low-tones on C-string using CELLO-2 are already posted.
Several memos are noted here;
(1)Cello endpin sometimes takes a remarkable mechanical resonance with the body or/and the tailpiece. However we cannot find a plausible formula about endpin length/material, tone frequencies of cello long-tone. It rather seems as "unpredictable". Resonates to some tones but not to others. The true reason will be much clarified at later studies for high tones(/on A-string), because the key seems related to the resonating frequency of endpins( =generally they are high ).
(2)When a tuning fork is touched on cello body, the peculiar frequency of the fork resonates/amplified to the body. Endpins are merely accessories when they are deployed and floating in the air, however if they are placed on the floor and fixed at their tip, endpins(or sometimes the alliance between tailpieces) resonate remarkably like as a tuning fork, sometimes influencing to the sound(or the resonance) qualities. We will also have to keep our eyes on the "undertones" of resonating frequency of endpins and the resonance mechanism of the cello body itself.
(3)The resonance-alliance-route between endpin and tailpiece perhaps might be prior to the legacy-route(string->bridge->top-plate/body) because cello players know that too fast bow cannot resonate the cello enough and the bow energy easily leak to the floor. Cello beginners need a time to learn how to create and keep a deep resonance inside their instrument.

Cello2を使って C線(低音域)で、エンドピンの材質・長さ(テールピン-床の間の長さ)を変えてエンドピンとテールピースの共振強度を調べた。その結果として、


7A32 TuningFork-and-Endpin

7A33 TuningFork-and-Endpin-Route