7A-16 Mechanical Resonance on Titanium Endpin

 [ 10/ 7/2021 ]   Labels:  51.Endpin-Resonance

Mechanical resonance behavior of titanium endpin(10mmD, total=520mmL) was studied for wide-range tones of cello(:CELLO-2).
When a cello is placed on the floor and two points of the (titanium)pin are fixed, the endpin took a remarkable mechanical resonance at many frequency points. The shortest period(highest frequency) was at around 0.53mS, 1870Hz, (A-)A#, very high tone area(
equivalent to just slightly slid out from the fingerboard).
The characteristic frequency(-probably it is the fundamental-) might be depend on the endpin material or the length.
As for lower resonance points, such as 930Hz(A-A#), 460Hz(A-A#), 330Hz(E),, they are correspond to 'n times of period', these subharmonic frequency are integer(times) undertone series of the fundamental frequency.
The area 3-octaves(or 4 times undertone) or lower, i.e. (partially) on D-string, G-string or C-string area, there are too many undertones that can resonate with.
Tailpiece behavior, also body resonance itself, will increase their complexity.

[ エンドピンは自身の低音倍音で共振する ]
Cello2を使って C線(低音域)及びA線(高音域)の広い音域に対して、チタンエンドピンが大きく機械的共振する顕著な場所を調べた。
その下の音域では、930Hz(A-A#)あたり、460Hz(A-A#)、330Hz(E)、、という風に n(整数)倍の周期・波長位置で共振している分かった。つまり、低音側の倍音(undertone)に沿っている。
さらに 3オクターブ(4倍周期)を超える中-低音のD線・G線・C線上の音では、どこで共振してもおかしくないような状態になる。エンドピンの共振の謎が解けた。

7A36 Ti-Pin-Resonance-UnderTones-OscilloChartSample

7A37 Ti-Pin-Resonance-UnderTones-by-mS-Hz-PinLength

7A38 Ti-Pin-Resonance-PinUnderTones-vs-SoundTone