7A-25 Resonance - Short Endpin vs Long Endpin

 [ 12/11/2021 ]   Labels: 53.Endpin-Resonance3

How resonates a long pulled out endpin, or a short endpin contrary? The resonance amplitude and also the beat number in the cycle period were reviewed for :A(221Hz)-A(442Hz) tones on A-string and C(66Hz)-C(131Hz) on C-string, adjusting several endpin length.
Cello endpin is ordinarily equipped as around 500cm full length.
When a cellist plays a cello with long endpin, the endpin would resonate like as a rope of skipping rope on the floor. On the other hand the short endpin will give way the major resonance to the extra length part that is usually invisible inside the body.  

一般的なチェロのエンドピンは 50cm前後の長さのものが多い。A線:A(221Hz)-A(442Hz)、C線:C(66Hz)-C(131Hz)で半音ごと、またエンドピン長さを 1~2cm刻みで調整して、振動強度とBeat数を調べた。

7A75 Endpin_Resonance_Title