7A-26 Endpin Resonance - on A - Intensity and Beat

 [ 12/15/2021 ]   Labels: 53.Endpin-Resonance3

 Endpin resonance was studied in detail at every A(221Hz)-A(442Hz) semitone on A-string with being adjusted/changed the endpin length.
The candidates were:
(a) Carbon endpin, 54g, 10mmD, 396mmL, -This endpin had been cut off about 10cm in order to improve the response performance in daily use.
(b) Steel pipe endpin, 132g, 10mmD, 530mmL
(c) Titanium endpin, 178g, 10mmD, 520mmL
The result suggests us;
(1) When the endpin tip is fixed on floor, the endpin resonance seems  differing with the patterns according to the another(/the second) held position. The 1/2 length of the whole endpin seems the key.
(2) Endpins seem having the lowest limit frequency that can resonate by one beat with the given tones around this area: the first position of A-string(tone: A-D).
(3) The resonant area(, and less resonant area on the contrary) exist like a range of mountains( or valleys) relating both of frequency and endpin length. When an endpin resonates well, the cello sound will be probably influenced. On the contrary if an endpin stays still, the mass might contribute as a mute.
(4)  Sometimes at some special spot, we can find a unique 'mechanical-many-beat' pattern in a cycle period. That gives us a premonition of the fundamental frequency of the endpin as a rod/pipe. Posted later.

(1)エンドピンの全体長の 概ね 1/2を境として共振パターンに違いがあるように見える。
(2)A線の第一ポジションの A-Dあたりにエンドピンが1ビートで共振可能な下限があるようだ。それ以下の周波数域ではエンドピンは複数ビートで供給音と共振することとなる。

7A77 Endpin-Resonance-onA-Carbon54g396L-Beat

7A78 Endpin-Resonance-onA-Carbon54g396L-Intensity

7A79 Endpin-Resonance-onA-SteelPipe132g530L-Beat

7A80 Endpin-Resonance-onA-SteelPipe132g530L-Intensity

7A81 Endpin-Resonance-onA-Ti178g520L-Beat

7A82 Endpin-Resonance-onA-Ti178g520L-Intensity