3DCG Simulation Data

[ 12/12/2023 ] 

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3DCG Simulation Data

9C03 -3DCG- Study(3) Measurement Point and Data REVIEW

 [ 11/26/2023 ]     Labels: 78.Resonance3

In the past, cello's pizzicato sounds were measured three times using four acoustic microphones outside the cello body under without endpin conditions.

Although the measurement positions were different for each case(front side/back side etc.), let's pile up the data organizing comprehensively, and refer to them for this simulation.



3DCG- Study(3) Measurement Point and Data REVIEW

9C02 -3DCG- Study(2) Resonance Propagation

[ 11/20/2023 ]     Labels:  78.Resonance3

Cello resonance,, it can be divided into four processes.

[1] The string begins to vibrate

[2] The top plate shares the information and starts vibrating itself.

[3] Density waves are emitted into cello body by receiving vibrations from the top plate.

[4] Resonant waves inside the body are transmitted to the outside of the body to audio microphones.

Let's take a look at the actual measured data at four audio microphones installed near outside the body. To begin with the resonance simulation, we examine the E note first, the tone has a frequency of 166Hz and a wavelength of 2.05m, which exists about the middle for a cello tones. This sound is the most typical and simplest omnidirectional sound, and is estimated to resonate in a "8-shap" orbit pattern parallel to the top and back plates.

[3][4] The process travels through the atmosphere at the speed of sound. Therefore, a time of about 3mS should be required here. On the other hand, the first resonance (C1) surprisingly occurs and completes 4 mS after the start of pizzicato.

[1] As soon as the string begins to vibrate, the information of the period(frequency) and wavelength of the generated sound are already decided in the string, and transmitted to the top plate in a timely manner.

[2]So, the top plate also knows the information in a timely manner. Top plate may know the range to be vibrated, in which direction, and with what intensity. At this time, the second resonance wave C2 has not be born, and the resonance has not been amplified in the body.

Even with limited prior knowledge, there are some hints. The Montagnana(1740 model/dimension) was used in the simulation. The maximum single "8-Shaped" wavelength can be adopted in the body at D# (around 156Hz), which is the next(lower) to E. The vibration range(probably 94% of D#) can be used at E(166Hz).






筐体の近くに設置された4点の音声マイクロフォンの実測データを見てみよう。手始めは、周波数166Hz, 波長2.05m, チェロにとってちょうど中間あたりのE音を調べる。この音は最も代表的・シンプルな無指向性音で、表板・裏板に平行に8の字型に共鳴していると推定される。

[3][4]プロセスは大気中を音速で伝わる。従って 3mS程度の時間はここで必要なはずだ。一方最初の共鳴(C1)は驚くことにpizzicatoのスタートから4mSに起こり完結している。

[1]弦は振動が開始されると同時に 発生される音の周期(振動数)・波長情報を保有し、タイムリーに表板に伝達を開始していて、表板は筐体へ共鳴を作り始めていることを意味している。



cello resonance propagation チェロ 響き 共鳴 3DCG sound 音 音速 simulation

cello resonance チェロ 響き 共鳴 sound 音 音速 simulation E(166Hz)

Sale on Amazon-USA has ended.

[ 11/16/2023 ]    Labels:  A1..AEH

Sale on Amazon.com has ended.   

   ( --> Please try Amazon.co.jp ) 


Advanced Endpin Holder improves resonance and response by reducing the effects from floor and endpin.



9C01 -3DCG- Cello Resonance Study (1)

[ 11/16/2023 ]    Labels: 78.Resonance3

3DCG, which has great potential, is likely to be useful in creating an image of resonance research for stringed instruments.
A virtual camera can show you the world that cannot be seen with a real camera. First, let's try "Particle system".
Firstly, we need to manufacture a cello body and install a camera and light in the view of 3D software. The top plate is slightly lifted up. 10,000 particles are randomly released downward from the top plate at the speed of sound. Particles are reflected when they hit a wall. There is no gravity here, and the particles have no mass. Disappears after a certain amount of time. The speed of sound is too fast to display, so it is shown in 100 times slower motion.
This study looks at the first period (about 50 milliseconds) after the first pizzicato. At this timing/condition, the pitch and wavelength have not yet been determined. The image is that you are looking at the noise caused by a single blow. There are two types of sound at the cello: omnidirectional sound and directional sound that extends in a specific direction. The reason may become clearer then after.


Advanced Endpin Holder improves resonance response

 [ 9/21/2023 ]     Labels:  97.Video & Study2

Advanced Endpin Holder improves resonance and response by reducing the effects from floor and endpin.



21X0 Vibration-Video - Bowing x40 slower -

 [ 7/08/2023 ]      Labels: 21.Vibration-Video2

Regarding the bowing of stringed instruments (when the bow hair rubs against the strings), the vibrations of strings are as if visible to the player's eyes, but they are not. This is because the human eye cannot distinguish 30 frames per second and above/fast.

When we actually study a 40 times slower video, we noticed that it was a little different from our anticipation.

Many young children practice to be good at jumping rope. The control of the wrist to keep spinning the rope well (acceleration, deceleration, maintaining the shape of the wheel) is actually important.

Focus our attention on the intersection point where the bow hair touches the string. The sound timbre will be decided just here.





7B50 C(66Hz) Typical Resonance -(4) Interference Beats-

 [ 6/26/2023 ]      Labels: 54.Endpin-Resonance4 

One of the resonance mechanism on the lowest tones(C66Hz, C#70Hz), (4)interference beats are revised below.

(4)Cello players and the audience sometimes experience unpleasant beats through/against the floor when the cello is placed on the floor at  lowest tones.

The frequency is the same as the original-C66Hz/C#70Hz-. The beats effect often affects to the real sound of body. See attached Fig(1) samples.

- According to the endpin length, the results can be seen at Fig.(2)(3). The beats and some mechanical resonance are detected almost every lengths. Interference might be rather common at around the mid length. As the result, cello sound reduces the amplitude. 

- Simulation program says, severe beats occur under the situation of two conflicting amplitude is almost the same, and their interference wave patterns will change according to two pitches. The cello's C(66Hz) typical case, they are a conflict between C(66Hz) and D#/E(around 80Hz). See Fig(4)

- Cello players believe here are no other tones when they play C. They are no way cellos produce a long wavelength E(80Hz) directly in its body.

Only the thinkable cause is the two-coupling long wavelength of E(160Hz) are emerged along the cello 'body/bouts'. Probably the endpin assists it using its length silently, then leaves E(80Hz) tone. However the real evil exists at the floor by restricting the endpin tip. See Fig(5)(6).

Advanced Endpin Holder seems mitigating the interference beats.









77B51_C66_TypicalScreenshot_InterferenceBeat #endpin #resonance #cello #響き #共鳴 #beats #干渉
7B52_C66_PinLength-STP-AEH-floor-Beats #endpin #resonance #cello #響き #共鳴 #beats #干渉

7B53_C66_PinLength-Ti-floor-Beats #endpin #resonance #cello #響き #共鳴 #beats #干渉

7B54_C66_Simulation_InterferenceBeat2 #endpin #resonance #cello #響き #共鳴 #beats #干渉

7B55_C66_WOPIN-orbit #endpin #resonance #cello #響き #共鳴 #beats #干渉

7B56_C66_E_E_Pin_E80-orbit #endpin #resonance #cello #響き #共鳴 #beats #干渉

7B40 C(66Hz)/C#(70Hz) Typical Resonance - (1)(2)(3) -

[ 6/19/2023 ]      Labels: 54.Endpin-Resonance4

The resonance mechanism of the lowest tones(C-66Hz,C#-70Hz) of cello is different lots from other tones. The typical resonance patterns are shown below. 

(1)The most typical pattern is composed by combining its overtones. This is the only way for cello to create a long wavelength such as 5.2m(C66Hz). When a cello played without endpin, every pattern belongs this(1).

(2)When a cello played on the floor, especially with heavy metal endpin, the resonance waveform of the body often reduces the amplitude and flattened.

(3)On the floor, endpin takes mechanical resonance itself then the vibration flows backward to the cello body and affects the resonance, changing the sound color.

(4)Interference beats are often seen in C/C#. --- This issue will be reported soon. ---





(4)しばしばうなりを発生。床への不快な振動とエネルギー流出。場合によってはうなりが筐体へも逆流。 ----- 近日投稿予定 ------

7B41_C66-C#70-TypicalResonance-1-WithoutEndpin- #endpin #length #resonance #cello #響き #共鳴 エンドピンの無しの時の 低音の共鳴の典型的記録

7B42_C66-C#70-TypicalResonance-2-Flattening-onFloor #endpin #length #resonance #cello #響き #共鳴 エンドピン装着時 響き・音量の平坦化

7B43_C66-C#70-TypicalResonance-3-MechanicalResonance-onFloor #endpin #length #resonance #cello #響き #機械的共鳴 エンドピン装着時 共振波形変化 音質変化

7B30 C(66Hz)/C#(70Hz) Resonance Amplitude by Endpin Length

[ 06/06/2023 ]       Labels: 54.Endpin-Resonance4

Resonance amplitude at C(66Hz) and C#(70Hz) were measured by changing the endpin length.
(1)When endpins are removed from cello the lower/bottom body seems taking leading role for the resonance. On the other hand, if endpins are installed on the floor, the center of the body resonate most. By being fixed the tip of endpin, cello resonance changes the mechanism.
(2)When endpins are installed the resonance pattern of endpin (also cello body) seem change according to the endpin length. Sometimes the body resonance of Top-Center-Bottom become close each other. Something must be occurring.

(1)エンドピン無しで C.C#音を測定した場合は筐体の下部分の振動が最も大きかった。一方エンドピンを装着すると、筺体の中央部の振動が最も大きかった。床によってエンドピン先端が固定されるためチェロの共鳴の中央値が変化していることを示している。
(2)エンドピンを装着した時、エンドピンの長さによって、Body上①、Body中央②、Body下③ の振幅強度とバランスに差がある。①②③が近接しているトーンがある。Bodyの共鳴がフラット化していて何か大きな変化が起きている可能性がある。

7B31_PinLength-C66-WOpin-Cbn54floor #endpin #length #resonance #cello #共振 エンドピンの有無 長さ による共振パターン の変化

7B32_PinLength-C66-STPfloor-ATPAEH #endpin #length #resonance #cello #共振 エンドピンの有無 長さ による共振パターン の変化

7B33_PinLength-C66-Ti_floor #endpin #length #resonance #cello #共振 エンドピンの有無 長さ による共振パターン の変化

7B34_PinLength-C#70-WOpin-Cbn54floor #endpin #length #resonance #cello #共振 エンドピンの有無 長さ による共振パターン の変化

7B35_PinLength-C#70-STPfloor-STPAEH #endpin #length #resonance #cello #共振 エンドピンの有無 長さ による共振パターン の変化

7B36_PinLength-C#70-Ti_floor #endpin #length #resonance #cello #共振 エンドピンの有無 長さ による共振パターン の変化

7B20 C(66Hz)/C#(70Hz) Resonance -Average Amplitude-

[ 5/26/2023 ]      Labels:  54.Endpin-Resonance4

All measured data were averaged and compared on cello lowest C(66Hz) - C#(70Hz) tones.
The cases 'metal endpins and on the floor', the body took less resonance amplitude than 'without endpin' case.
The case of the lightest 'carbon endpin' and 'AEHxx'(:escapes from restriction of floor), cello body seems got rather rich/enough resonance.

床に設置した重い(金属)エンドピンの場合、最低音域(C, C#)では明らかに共鳴音量が低下した。54gの軽量カーボンエンドピンと AEHxxを使用し床の拘束を取り除いた場合は逆に少し音量が増加した。

7B21 7B21_Average-Amplitude-C66 C-C# チェロ 響き endpin エンドピン 比較

7B22 Average-Amplitude-C#70 C-C# チェロ 響き endpin エンドピン 比較

7B15 Natural Frequency of Endpins

 [ 5/20/2023 ]      Labels: 54.Endpin-Resonance4 
When cello resonance studies were carried even on the lowest tones(C, C#), we could find some very fine mechanical oscillation on the metal endpins very rarely. For examples, they are at :
Titanium pin : in C(65.7Hz)-period x 28 times = 1840 Hz.
Steel-pipe pin : in C#(69.6Hz)-period x 23 times = 1600 Hz.
They are surely the Natural Frequency as a metal pipe/rod. Natural frequency and its 1/N frequencies sometimes gives the endpin a great resonance or oppositely muting effects instead if they could not meet. There seems to be needed some necessary conditions: Given tone frequency, the length of endpins that two points are fixed and some fortuity etc. Practically it seems to occur fifty-fifty..

チェロの最低音域におけるエンドピンの共振を調べていると、まれに 非常に微細な振動が観察される場面がある。これは、エンドピン(金属)自体の固有振動数のようである。
例えば、チタンのエンドピンでは、C(65.7Hz) x 28振動 = 1840Hz (A付近) であり、鋼管エンドピンでは、C#(69.6Hz) x 23振動 = 1600Hz(G付近) であった。
与えられる(演奏される)トーン、2点固定されるエンドピンの長さ、偶然性、によって左右されるが、この固有振動数の 1/N 周波数付近ではエンドピンが大きく共振し、外れているところでは逆に共振が妨げられミュートのように負荷となっていると考えられる。共振する場合は、与えられる周波数に対して 1:1 とは限らない。エンドピンがチ220Hz程度より長周期の1ビートで共振をしているのを確認できなかった。共振するかミュート効果か、実際感覚では 50%/50%のように思われる。

7B16 Typical Body_Pin Resonance CC# チェロ 響き endpin エンドピン 共振

7B17 7B17 Natural Frequency of Endpins CC# チェロ 響き endpin エンドピン 共振 固有振動数

7B18 Resonance Image of Metal Endpins CC# チェロ 響き endpin 金属エンドピン 共振 メカニズム

7B10 Endpin Resonance at Lowest C(66)/C#(70) - PLAN -

 [ 5/16/2023 ]       Labels: 54.Endpin-Resonance4

Cello resonance on the lowest tones(C, C#) were very mysterious as if we can glance the secrets/depth of the cello instrument.

On the other side, how can behave the mechanical resonance of endpin at the lowest frequencies. Detail study was implemented changing endpin materials and its length comparing with 'without pin' or 'Advanced Endpin Holder'.

It might be irrational to compare the acoustic amplitude of sound microphone with mechanical vibration of rods/pipes, the results were rather naturally acceptable for us daily cello players.

Mechanical resonance of endpins especially at C/C# tones was very very complicated like a puzzle. Some new findings will be reported later. Endpins mechanical resonance amplified by the floor will never contribute to the musicality of low tones. 



7B11 Endpin Resonance CC# -Theme- チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン 共振

7B12 Endpin Resonance CC# -Measurement Point- チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン 共振

7B13 Endpin Resonance CC# -Conditions- チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン 共振

7B00 Endpin Resonance REVIEW

[ 4/10/2023 ]       Labels: 54.Endpin-Resonance4

Cello's resonance body has remarkable abilities that can resonate all/continuous tones, on the other hand, how the endpins are working? We took a review for endpin resonance including our unpublished data.
Resonance mechanisms of endpins are rather simple. It seems simply like rods or pipes. When the given frequency meets the resonance frequency of rod, endpins resonate well. There seems three mechanisms according to the tone area.

[A] At high tone area, the resonance mainly depends on(or in proportion to) the characteristic frequency as a rod/pipe.
[C] At the lowest tones such as C,C#,D on C string, and placed a cello on the floor, the energy of cello resonance can easily leaks to the floor. Because cello body cannot resonate such a long wavelength in itself. As a result the sound weakens and generates interference beats to the floor. We will review it later again.

[B] The dominant mechanism of endpin resonance seems come from the behavior of rods/pipes (two points fixed) between tail-pin and floor. Some important findings are seen here.
(1) Beats in a cycle period are mesured and colored. Endpins can resonate with given tones as single beat( as a same frequency) only above (around) 220Hz. This fatal competence will bring the modern cello a husky/mechanical sound color.
(2) Diagonal-mountains-valley-like resonance pattern tells us something. "Low tone & long endpin" and "high tone & short endpin" are taking a same mechanical resonance beats. Extra length of endpin is probably taking the initiative to the resonance. Heavy metal endpin shows a clearer tendency.
(3) Endpin resonates well at mountains area and less at valleys, sometimes acting as a mute.

一方、エンドピンはどうであろうか?。 未投稿のデータも加えて、エンドピンの共振メカニズムをレビューしておこう。
(1) 1周期内で共振するビート数を見ると、「赤1」で示すエリアは、ほぼA(420Hz)あたりよりも高周波域に限定される。つまりエンドピン共振は C,G,D線域のトーンに対して1ビートで共振できない。つまり細かな高音の均一(機械的)振動として共振する。モダンチェロのツーンとした音の原因をもたなしているようだ。

7B02 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン
7B03 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン
7B04 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン

7B05 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン
7B06 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス endpin エンドピン

9BE.CELLO-RESONANCE II [ Einsatz for Resonance ]

 [ 04/02/2023 ]      Labels:  77c.Resonance-II

Cello can resonate any pitch tone inside the body. Although the longest dimension of body is less than 1 meter, in contrasts the wavelength of the C(66Hz, lowest tone) is 15.2 meter.
It is possible by all long wavelengths being rounded and bent and twisted inside the body.
How it can be done? When the pitch will be settled? The answer seems to be found at the dimension of the body.
There are tremendous number of air atoms inside the body. The resonance inside the body will be amplified up to 20 timed louder or more. The farthest atoms are left apart 2.2 millisecond as sound speed. All influence/resonance need to wait till to be shared the balanced environment (: 2.2 mS).
Musicians well know they need "Einsatz" for tutti. The einsatz needs enough time to compensate the time lag between farthest players and conductor. Likewise, 2 to 3mS seems needed to start the resonance inside the cello body.
When we review the data of resonance, we can find a extended 2(-3)mS period at the forefront of the all oscilloscope charts(of pizzicato). Let say as "Einsatz for resonance". The pitch of each tone seems to be settled almost after "einzatz + tone period".

チェロは 身長1m に満たない筐体内で、最低音(C 66Hz, 波長15.2m)を始め、任意のピッチ・波長の音を共鳴させることができる。その理由は、すべての波長の音を自らの筐体の中に閉じ込めて折りたたんで増幅できるからである。
では、どのようにしてそれを行っているのか。増幅すべき音の波長・ピッチはいつ決定されるのか。その回答は筐体自身のディメンションそのものにある。筐体内にはおびただしい数の空気分子が存在する。これを外界と比べて20倍(25dB)以上の密度にまで増幅させていく。空気分子の最も遠いものは音速で互いに 2.2ミリ秒(mS)離れている。すべての分子同士の情報が互いに交換され、共鳴軌道が共有されるのに 2(~3)mS の時間が必要である。
時間差のある広がりのある環境で大合奏をするとき必要なものは、"アインザッツ"である。そしてアインザッツの必要時間(共鳴環境の初期構築時間)は、どうやら 2mSそのもののようである。どのトーンのピチカート音のデータを見ても、先頭におおよそ2mSの特別期間(アインザッツ期間)が存在するように見える。その後は所定のトーン周期が繰り返されている。ピチカートが発せられて後、2mS+周期 後には演奏される音のピッチがおおむね確定していると言えるようだ。

9BE1 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone einsatz

9BE2 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone einsatz

9BE3 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone einsatz

9BE4 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone einsatz

9BE5 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone einsatz

9BE6 cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone einsatz


 [ 03/26/2023 ]      Labels:  77c.Resonance-II

The lowest tone of cello - C(:Frequency:66 Hz, Wavelength:5.2 meter, Period:15.2 millisecond) - is very special. Many measurements for the resonance sound were carried out by pizzicato and arco.

Various beat-pattern were observed such as 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,, except 1 nor 2.

The result says: Rather small cello body cannot keep the long wavelength(15.2m, 7.6m) orbit inside. "3 or 6 beat" means that G's high overtones are leading to compose(or resemble) C(66Hz) long wavelength orbit. Similarly "4, 8" means C overtone sets. "5,," means E overtone sets. We can glimpse of the mystery of "violin family instruments" and a true fact of the "great invention". - Do not forget, we need remove endpin from the body and free the cello from the floor on such a research.

チェロの最低音であるC線開放弦のC音(周波数66Hz、波長5.2m、周期15.2ミリ秒)は極めて特別である。ピチカートと(極力理想的な)ボーイングで、多くの音波形を観察した。15.2mS周期内にいくつかのビート(小振動)が見られた。ビートの数は、3, 4, 5, 6, 8, で、2ビートは皆無であった。何を意味するかといえば、Cの半分の波長(7.6mの共鳴周回軌道が筐体内に確保できないことを意味している。3, 6,系の3ビートはG系高音倍音が主となり、4, 8,はC系の高音倍音が主となり、5ビートはE系の高音倍音が主となる共鳴軌道である。幾つかの軌道を連結して 最終的に15.2メートルの波長を構成(・近似)している。大きさ1mに満たないチェロ筐体の内部で15m波長の共鳴を確保できる理由である。8の字型をしたバイオリン属の楽器の神秘と「発明」の真相がここで垣間見られる。どの倍音セットが採用されどれだけ増幅されるか、デリケートな世界であり、個々の楽器の良し悪しがここで確認できるかもしれない。(エンドピンを装着しないで床から浮かせている場合であることに注意)

9BD1 C(66Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone

9BD2 C(66Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone

9BD3 C(66Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone

9BD4 C(66Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone

9BD5 C(66Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone

9BD6 C(66Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone


 [ 03/19/2023 ]       Labels:  77c.Resonance-II

The E(83Hz) resonance orbit is built as a two round orbit of E(166Hz). Generally whole resonance is well synchronized.

チェロのC線のE音(83Hz)、1オクターブ上の E(166Hz)の共鳴軌道を2周する形で所定の共鳴波長を得ている。時差のある2つ波に分かれる場合もあるが、全体が基本的に2ビートで一体となって共鳴している。

9BC1 E(83Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone

9BC2 E(83Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone

9BC3 E(83Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone


 [ 03/14/2023 ]      Labels:  77c.Resonance-II

The G(98Hz) resonance orbit is built as a coupled orbit of two G(197Hz) in series. Sometimes this two-beat wave is generated as plural different timing wave inside, but the air pressure(compression and rarefaction) outside the cello body seems generally(/totally) as 'two-beat'. 

チェロのG線の開放のG音(98Hz)、1オクターブ上の G(197Hz)の共鳴軌道を2周する形で所定の共鳴波長を得ている。時差のある2つ波に分かれる場合もあるが、筐体の外に放たれる密度波としては基本的に2ビートのようである。

9BB1 G(98Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone

9BB1 G(98Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone

9BB3 G(98Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone


[ 02/26/2023 ]           Labels:  77c.Resonance-II

C(131Hz, WL=2.59m) resonance orbit of cello is special. Ordinarily resonance orbits in the 'Zone-III' are made up of 'double orbits' of 'Zone-II' tones, but C(or around C) notes differ.

Careful studies by oscilloscope could not detect 'double C'(two beats) but commonly found 'triple beats', this means G(394Hz)x3 make a C(131Hz, WL=2.59m) orbit wavelength. Simply to say, C(131Hz, 263Hz, of course 66Hz) orbits are not stable inside the cello body.

チェロの最低音(C)の1オクターブ上の C(131Hz)の共鳴軌道は特別だ。

一般的に Zone-IIIエリアでは、オクターブ上のZone-IIの共鳴軌道を2周する形で所定の共鳴波長を得ているが、C(およびその近辺)では事情が異なっているようだ。


9BA1 C(131Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone

9BA2 C(131Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone

9BA3 C(131Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone

9BA4 C(131Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit overtone


[ 02/22/2023 ]          Labels:   77b.Resonance-II

 At high as F#(372Hz), the wavelength of cello resonance gets shorten and the orbits can take rather free location in the body. Obsolete(/belated) wave retreats, and a new (/fresh pitch) is born instead.


9B91 F#(372Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit

9B91 F#(372Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit

9B91 F#(372Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit

9B94 F#(372Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit

9B95 F#(372Hz) cello resonance チェロ 響き レスポンス orbit